Take some time for your body and recharged with YogaGan

"I want you to decide that 'this time is my time for my body' just one or two hours during the week. Otherwise you'll never take time only for your body. When you make yoga a daily habit, you'll continue to feel comfortable and have a healthy body and mind for the rest of your life."

~ Gan (Instructor)

Class Times

  • Sunday 10am CST
    (午後11時 - 日)
  • Monday 4am CST
    (午後7時 - 月)
  • Monday 6am CST
    (午前9時 - 火)
  • Thursday 6am CST
    (午後9時 - 木)
  • Thursday 10am CST
    (午後0時 - 金)

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Online yoga is very convenient. With just a click, transition from your daily hustle to tranquility at home.

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Intense side stretch icon

Our bodies need a lot of different movements.

Yoga keeps you flexible which helps prevent injuries. Yoga poses are designed so that you can move all of your body. From large joints such as hips all the way down to your smallest joints.

Moving your body improves circulation.

Your joints become stiff when fluids accumulate in your joints. When your joints stiffen, it increases your chances of injury.

Being injured means you can’t move that area for long periods which causes your body to age quicker.

Your joints get stiff in just three days.

We are very busy all the time but we only do the same movements over and over. Yoga activates different parts of the body by using different ranges of motion than your daily movement.

It is important to continue practicing yoga regularly.