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Downward Facing Dog Pose icon

Adhomukha Shvanasana

Downward Facing Dog Pose

Skill Level
  • It has good effects on the whole body, such as improvement of high blood pressure/hypotension, relief of joint and feet pain and stiffness, relieves stiffness around shoulder blades and arthritis of shoulders, and balances the mind and body which reduces stress.
  • By balancing the whole body with hands and feet, you can develop a sense of balance at every point, such as limbs and arms, pelvis and waist, shoulders, and back muscles.
  • You can exercise moderately on areas of concern such as your upper arms, chest, thighs, and buttocks.
  • People who still can't do a headstand can expect a similar effects with this pose (the head and upper body are lowered, upper body can be fully stretched and can be well-circulated without straining the heart.)
  • 高血圧/低血圧の改善、関節や足の痛み・こりの緩和、肩甲骨周辺のこりや肩の関節炎の緩和など、全身に良い効果をもたらし、心身のバランスを整え、ストレスを軽減してくれる
  • 手と足で全身のバランスを取ることで、手足や腕、骨盤や腰、肩や背中、背筋など、体のあらゆるポイントのバランス感覚が養える
  • 二の腕・胸・太もも・お尻といった気になる部分にも適度なエクササイズになるので、継続して行うことで体のシェイプアップ効果も期待できる
  • ヘッドスタンドがまだできない人も、このポーズでほぼ同様の効果が期待できます。(頭と上半身を下げるので、上体を十分に伸ばしながら心臓に負担なく、上半身の血行を良くすることができる)