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Hundred Association Convergence icon


Hundred Association Convergence

Skill Level

“Hyakue” called the energy point on the top of the head. The part where many “ki” (blood) meet. A universal acupuncture point that stimulates all body symptoms.

  • Fatigue
  • Head feeling, tired eyes
  • Rough skin, dull face
  • Hair loss
  • Stress, insomnia, etc.

Suppresses the excitement of high nerves acting on autonomic nerve disturbances. Switching on these parasympathetic nerves can provide a relaxing effect.

頭頂部のエネルギーポイントと呼ばれる「百会(ひゃくえ)」多くの「気(血液)」が出合う部位。 ここを刺激することであらゆる身体の症状に働きかける 万能ツボ。

  • 疲労
  • 頭重感、目の疲れ
  • 肌荒れ、顔のくすみ
  • 抜け毛
  • ストレス、不眠症など
