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Shoulder Stand icon

Salamba Sarvangasana

Shoulder Stand

Skill Level
  • Swelling, stiff shoulders, posture improvement
  • Metabolism UP, detox, trunk enhancement
  • Activation of thyroid and digestive system
  • Improve blood circulation and varicose veins, migraine tension, headache
  • Calm down, work on the nervous system, work hard on the spinal cord


  • むくみ、肩こり、姿勢改善
  • 代謝UP、デトックス、体幹強化
  • 甲状腺、消化器系の活性化
  • 血液循環および静脈瘤、片頭痛の緊張、頭痛を改善する
  • 心を落ち着かせ、神経系に働きかけ、脊髄に強い働きをする