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Goddess Pose icon

Utkata Konasana

Goddess Pose

Skill Level
  • It has the effect of training the iliopsoas muscle between the internal organs and the spine which improves your posture
  • Stretch your hips, buttocks and chest.
  • Tighten and strengthen the core muscles.
  • Heats the body and promotes circulation.
  • Strengthen shoulders, arms, upper back, pelvis, buttocks, quads, thigh inside, and calf
  • 内臓と脊椎間にある腸腰筋を鍛える効果があり姿勢の改善が期待できる
  • 腰、鼠蹊部、胸を伸ばす
  • コアの筋肉を引き締め、強化
  • 体を加熱し、循環を促進
  • 肩、腕、背中上部、骨盤, お尻、大腿四頭筋、太ももの内側、ふくらはぎを強化