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Sphinx Pose icon

Salamba Bhujangasana

Sphinx Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthens the spine and tightens the back muscles
  • Tightens the buttocks
  • Prevents low back pain and strengthens the brachial muscles
  • Opens your back, chest, lungs, shoulders, spine and abdomen. Increases vitality, stimulates & activates the abdominal organs, and reduces stress
  • Fatigue recovery and relaxation
  • 背骨、背筋の強化、背中の引き締め
  • 臀部の引き締め
  • 腰痛予防・改善、上腕筋の強化
  • 背中、胸、肺、肩、背すじと腹部を開きます。活力を上げ、腹部臓器を刺激、活性化しストレスを軽減する
  • 疲労回復リラックス