Image file
Wide Legged Forward Bend icon

Prasarita Padottanasana ABCD

Wide Legged Forward Bend

Skill Level
  • The muscles inside and outside the legs and the soles of the feet are stretched so that they can be used well
  • Improved blood circulation to the upper body and head
  • Increased digestion
  • People who can't do Sirsasana (headstand) should start with this pose.
  • Effective in reducing weight
  • 脚の内外側の筋肉、足の裏が伸ばされ上手く使える ようになる
  • 上体、頭部への血行が良くなる
  • 消化機能が増進
  • 頭スッキリSirsasana(ヘットスタンド)が出来ない人はこのポーズから始めるのが良い
  • 体重を減らす効果あり