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Revolved Head To Knee Pose icon

Parivritta Janu Sirsasana

Revolved Head To Knee Pose

Skill Level
  • Relaxes the muscles around the ribs and deepens breathing.
  • Enhances hip joint flexibility and outer rotation.
  • Relieves stiff shoulders and back pain.
  • Stretches the spine, spinal cord, shoulders, buttocks, hamstring stretch liver and kidney. This improves digestive function and activates the abdominal tissues.
  • A very comfortable pose that restores the original degree of freedom by adding a complex stretch to the spine.
  • 肋骨周りの筋肉を緩め呼吸を深める
  • 股関節を外回しする柔軟性強化
  • 肩こり腰痛の緩和
  • 背骨、脊髄、肩、お尻、ハムストリングスのストレッチ肝臓や腎臓など腹部組織の活性化・消化機能の改善
  • 固まった現代人の背骨に複雑なストレッチを加えて、本来の自由度を取り戻させてくれる、とても気持ち良いポーズ