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Dolphin Plank Pose icon

Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana

Dolphin Plank Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthens the core and tightens the whole body
  • Adjusts your posture (when you have strong abs and back muscles, your posture naturally improves)
  • Strengthens the muscles around the shoulders such as the serratus anterior muscle, triceps brachii muscle, biceps brachii muscle, and latissimus dorsi muscle. It also improves stiff shoulders
  • Shapes up the upper arm
  • Strengthens the back and spine
  • Great for creating waist, abs, and constrictions
  • Strengthens the Gluteal muscle. Stretches the legs, hamstrings, calves, and your foot arch

Strengthening the trunk is a good exercise for improving your normal posture and relieving stiff shoulders. So it's also recommended for people who have a tight shoulder area during desk work.

  • コア(体幹)の強化、全身の引締め
  • 姿勢を整える(腹筋や背筋がつくと、自然と姿勢も良くなる)
  • 前鋸筋、上腕三頭筋、上腕二頭筋、広背筋など肩周りの筋肉の強化、肩こりの改善
  • 二の腕のシェイプアップ
  • 背中、背骨の強化
  • ウエスト周り、腹筋、くびれを作るのに最適
  • 臀筋強化、脚、ハムストリングス、ふくらはぎ、土踏まずのストレッチ
