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Camel Pose

Skill Level
  • Relieves mild shoulder stiffness and pelvic anteversion
  • Opens the chest
  • Various effects such as strengthening back muscles, adjusts the spine, better posture, and improves stoop
  • Relieves back pain
  • Promotes blood circulation
  • Increases the flexibility of the waist and restores the elasticity of the spine.

What is a warped waist?

When you stand upright, your pelvis tilts forward, and to cover it, your hips also stick out, with the area just above your hips curving back. The cause is lack of muscle strength. Among the inner muscles, if the biceps femoris that connects the thighs and pelvis is weak, the pelvis cannot firmly support the weight of the upper body, resulting in distortion and back pain.

  • 肩こりの穏和、骨盤前傾の緩和(反り腰の改善)
  • 胸を開く
  • 背筋、体幹強化、背骨の調整、姿勢、猫背の改善など様々な効果
  • 腰痛の緩和
  • 血行促進
  • 腰の柔軟性を高め背骨の弾力性を取り戻す

