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Banana Pose

Skill Level
  • Stretch the side of the body that easily shrinks
  • Stretching the side of your body stimulates the meridians of the bile and liver which leads to the detoxification. Bile is the fluid needed to digest fat
  • Firmly stretches your body, flanks, ribs, armpits, and especially your waist
  • Normally, even if the body side is twisted, it rarely stretched up and down. Effective for preventing back pain, correcting pelvic strain, and improving posture
  • 縮みやすい体側を伸ばす
  • 体側伸ばしは、デトックスにも効果的、体側をストレッチすることで、胆のう&肝臓の経絡を刺激してデトックスにつながる胆汁は脂肪を消化するのに必要な液体
  • しっかりと、体側、脇腹、肋骨、脇の下、特にウエストが伸ばされる
  • 普段、体側ってねじることはあっても上下に伸びることが少なく腰痛予防や、骨盤の歪みの矯正、姿勢改善にも効果的