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Marichi Pose B icon

Maricyasana B

Marichi Pose B

Skill Level
  • Tliopsoas strengthening (hip flexion)
  • Gluteus maximus stretch
  • Increased flexibility of the anterior thigh (quadriceps)
  • Increased flexibility of opening the shoulder joint and improved stiff shoulders
  • Relief of back pain
  • Keeps the spine healthy and flexible. It also stimulates and strengthens the ribs and muscles around the back which improves your posture and breathing
  • Massage the abdomen to help activate and excrete the digestive system
  • Increased flexibility of hip external rotation, increased flexibility of knee joints and ankles Deepen Lotus Pose (cross leg)
  • 腸腰筋強化(股関節屈曲)
  • 大臀筋ストレッチ
  • 太もも前側(大腿四頭筋)の柔軟性UP
  • 肩関節を開きの柔軟性UP、肩こりの改善
  • 腰痛の緩和
  • 背骨の健康で柔軟に保ち肋骨と背中の周りの筋肉を刺激して強化して姿勢と呼吸を改善する
  • 腹部をマッサージし、消化器系の活性化と排泄を助ける
  • 股関節外旋の柔軟性UP・膝関節・足首の柔軟性を高めLotus Pose(cross leg)を深める