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Wind Relieving Pose icon

Pavana Muktasana

Wind Relieving Pose

Skill Level
  • The pressure from this pose helps relieve gas in the internal organs and eliminate constipation
  • Stimulates and activates the internal organs by compressing the body
  • Lumbar stretched, mild back pain and fatigue recovery
  • Strengthens the neck muscles, abdominal muscles, and shapes up the stomach
  • Correction of the pelvis and spine
  • 内臓を圧迫刺激ガスが溜まったことでの膨満感、便秘解消、整腸効果し活性化する
  • 腰部が伸ばされ、軽い腰痛や疲れの回復
  • 首の筋肉の強化、腹筋を強化、お腹回りのシェイプアップ
  • 骨盤、背骨の矯正