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Garland Pose

Skill Level
  • Trains muscles by the pelvis and pelvic plate muscle
  • Posture improvement, shape up effect around the stomach
  • Good for menstrual pain, gynecological problems, and constipation
  • Strengthen/stretches the ankles, hips, back & shoulders
  • Helps expel what should be discharged from the body. Stimulates the digestive tract and raising metabolism. Effective when you eat too much or drink too much.
  • 骨盤周りの筋肉、骨盤底筋を鍛える
  • 姿勢改善、お腹周りのシェイプアップ効果
  • 生理痛、婦人科系の不調、便秘解消
  • 足首、股関節、背中、肩のストレッチ強化
  • 体外に排出されるべきものを出しやすくしてくれるほか、消化器官を刺激し 基礎代謝を上げる効果が あり、食べ過ぎ飲み過ぎてしまった時に効果的