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Maricyasana A icon

Maricyasana A

Marichi Pose A

Skill Level
  • It has a strong effect on the waist’s flexibility and straightness.
  • Strong action on abdominal organs and spinal cord
  • Stretches the front side of the thigh (quadriceps), hamstrings, and greater gluteal muscle (back of the thigh, buttocks)
  • Iliopsoas muscle strengthening (hip flexion)
  • Improves shoulder joint flexibility and shoulder stiffness
  • 腰に強い効果があり柔軟にし矯正します
  • 腹部臓器と脊髄に強い作用
  • 太もも前側(大腿四頭筋)、ハムストリングス・大臀筋(太もも裏・お尻)のストレッチ
  • 腸腰筋強化(股関節屈曲)
  • 肩関節の柔軟性UP、肩こりの改善