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Locust Pose

Skill Level
  • Acts on the pancreas, spleen, and liver, making the abdomen extremely strong and activated
  • Strengthen stomach and waist muscles, tightens the butt
  • Strengthen the back of the body, neck, cervical spine, shoulders, chest, back of arms, abdomen, buttocks, lumbar vertebrae, thighs, trunk, and spine to increase flexibility and improve posture
  • Relieves sciatica and menstrual disorders
  • 膵臓、脾臓、肝臓に作用し腹部を非常に強くし活性化
  • お腹、腰の筋肉を強化、お尻を引き締める
  • 体の背面、体幹、首の頸椎、肩、胸、腕の後ろ側、腹、臀部、腰椎、太腿、脊椎全体を強化し、柔軟性を高め姿勢改善
  • 坐骨神経痛、月経障害を和らげる