Image file
Revolved chair pose icon

Parivritha Utkatasana

Revolved Chair Pose

Skill Level
  • Tightens the shin, inner thigh, and calf muscles
  • Creates waist constriction
  • Tightens the spine and lower back by adjusting the distortion of the entire body
  • By twisting the body, the internal organs are stimulated. The blood flow is lightly compressed in the internal organs and when the twist is restored it flows out all at once. The blood flow improves and the internal organs are worked.
  • スネ、内モモ、ふくらはぎの引き締め
  • ウエストを引き締めくびれを作る
  • 背骨、腰を柔軟にし体全体のゆがみを調整し引き締める
  • 体を捻ることで内臓が刺激され、捻りを戻す際に軽 く圧迫されていた内臓の血流が一気に流れるので、 血流が良くなり、内臓の働きが良くなる。