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Standing Crescent Moon Pose icon

Parsva Candrasana

Standing Crescent Moon Pose

Skill Level
  • Every time you take a deep breath, fresh oxygen is sent inside your body so the space between the ribs expands. Your whole body is activated and dullness is reduced.
  • Stretches the sides of the body (internal oblique, external oblique) and muscles between the ribs. It feels good because you don't often have a chance to stretch up and down.
  • Dullness in your legs is reduced since the sides of the entire leg are stretched.
  • Stiff shoulders and back pain are improved.
  • Activation of liver function.
  • Stretches your arms.
  • 深い呼吸をするたびに、体側に新鮮な酸素が送り込まれるので、肋骨と肋骨の間が広がり、全身が活性化され、だるさが軽減される
  • 体の側面(内腹斜筋、外腹斜筋)を伸ばして、肋骨の間の筋肉をストレッチします。身体の側面は、なかなか上下に伸ばす機会がないのでとても良い
  • 脚全体の側面も伸ばすので、脚のだるさも軽減される
  • 肩こり、腰痛が改善
  • 肝臓機能の活性化
  • 腕のストレッチ