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Side plank pose


Side Plank

Skill Level
  • Trains the area between your ribs and hips where fat tends to accumulate
  • Strengthens the muscles around the abdomen in a well-balanced manner while working your flanks
  • Improves posture by training your posture-maintaining muscles
  • In this plank, the muscles that correct the distortion of the front and back posture are worked. In the side plank, the muscles that correct left and right distortion are worked. Since the abdominal muscles are on the sides as well as the front of the body, it is important to approach them from multiple directions to strengthen and stabilize your core.
  • The transversus abdominis muscle, the internal oblique muscle, and the multifidus muscle are worked at the same time to improve stability of the lower back and prevent back pain. The external oblique muscle, gluteus medius muscle, quadratus lumborum, etc.
  • Since it uses a lot of muscles called slow muscles which are strong for endurance, it is especially effective for those who feel that their endurance needs improving, their physical strength has decreased, and those who get tired easily.
  • To support your trunk with the arms, the muscles around the upper arms and shoulders are also trained and the upper arms are tightened.
  • 脂肪が溜まりやすい脇腹を鍛える
  • 脇腹に負荷を加えながら、お腹まわりの筋肉をバランスよく強くする
  • 正しい姿勢をキープする姿勢保持筋を鍛え姿勢改善になる
  • プランクでは前後の姿勢の歪みを修正する筋肉、サイドプランクでは左右の姿勢の歪みを修正する筋肉が働きます。腹筋は体の前面だけでなく側面にもあるため、多方向からアプローチすることが大切で体幹強化安定します。
  • 腹横筋や内腹斜筋や多裂筋が同時に働くことで腰の安定性を高め腰痛予防になる。外腹斜筋・中殿筋・腰方形筋 etc…
  • 持久力に強い遅筋という筋肉を多く使うため特に持久力のアップになり体力低下により最近疲れやすくなってきたと感じる方に効果あり
  • 腕で体幹を支えるため、二の腕や肩周りの筋肉も鍛えられ二の腕の引き締め