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Square Pose

Skill Level
  • External rotation of the hip joint The meridians that mainly pass through the sides of the thighs are stretched to improve flexibility and loosen the discipline of the buttocks.
  • Strengthening the inner muscle of the abdomen and the pelvic plate muscles
  • Improvement of X-leg and O-leg If it is X-leg or O-leg, the movement of the hip joint will be restricted, so adjust the direction of the knee to correct it.
  • Use gravity to move the hip joint powerfully, and pose effectively for adjusting pelvic strain.
  • Relieve Cold sensitivity and adjust posture
  • 股関節外旋股主に太ももの側面を通っている経絡をストレッチされ柔軟性がUPしお尻の懲りをほぐす
  • お腹のインナーマッスル, 骨盤底筋の強化の強化
  • X脚・O脚の改善 X脚やO脚になっていると、股関節の動きが制限されてしまいますので、それを直すような方向へ膝の向きを調整
  • 重力を使って股関節を強力に動かし、骨盤歪み調整に効果的なポーズ
  • 冷え解消、姿勢を整える