Image file
Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend icon


Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend

Skill Level
  • Stretches the hip joints, hamstrings, calves, knees, inner leg, buttocks, abductor, and back.
  • Loosens, adds flexibility, and range of motion.
  • Abdominal tissue activation, kidney detoxification
  • Stretch your back muscles and strengthens your spine
  • 股関節、ハムストリング、ふくらはぎ、膝、脚の内側と裏側のストレッチ
  • 鼠蹊部(脚の付け根)、内転筋伸ばして緩め柔軟性と可動域の拡大
  • 腹部組織の活性化、腎臓の解毒
  • 背中の筋肉を伸ばし、背骨を強化