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Rabbit Pose

Skill Level
  • Pressing the top of the head against the floor directly stimulates Hyakuei acupoints, leading to good quality sleep if done before going to bed
  • In a reversed posture, blood collects in the head and activates brain detox
  • Tummy and back tightening effect
  • Helps relieve headaches
  • Thoughts and facial expressions are refreshed by eliminating eyestrain, neck pain, and stiff shoulders
  • 頭頂部を床に押しつけ、直接的に百会(ひゃくえ)ツボを刺激する為、就寝前に行うことで、良質な睡眠につながる
  • 逆転の姿勢で血液を頭部に集め、脳を活性化ストレス解消デトックス
  • おなかや背中の引き締め効果
  • 頭痛の改善
  • 眼精疲労や首、肩こりの解消によって、思考や表情がすっきりする