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Virabhadrasana III

Warrior III

Skill Level
  • Strengthens the entire back side of the body, core, and adductor muscle
  • Pelvic correction, better sense of balance
  • Improved day-to-day movement and posture
  • People usually stand the wrong way. Their feet don’t fully touch the ground. They don’t develop a balanced body, and their spine lacks flexibility. With your weight on your heels, your belly protrudes. Your mental and physical functions become dull. This asana teaches you to have a stable stance across the soles of your feet. It retracts the belly and makes your mind and body agile.
  • 体の裏側全体、コア、内転筋強化
  • 骨盤矯正、バランス感覚
  • 姿勢身のこなしを改善する
  • 人は普段間違った立ち方、楽な方へ偏り足全体が付いてない為均整のとれた身体に発達せず 背骨の 柔軟性も欠け、かかとに体重をかけて立つと腹が前に突き出て心身の機能が鈍るこのアサナは足の裏全体で安定した立ち方をすることを教え腹を引っ込め俊敏な心身を作る