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Half Moon Pose icon

Ardha Candrasana

Half Moon Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthens the gluteal muscles & lower body, and adjusts the nerves that lead to the leg muscles
  • Pelvic distortion
  • Activates the nervous system and improves concentration
  • Opens the heart and increases the capacity of the respiratory system
  • If you can imagine breathing to the end, your fatigue recovery effects will increase
  • 殿筋、下半身の引き締め強化し、足の筋肉に通じている神経の調子を整える
  • 骨盤の歪み
  • 神経系を活性化、集中力を向上させる
  • 心臓を開き、呼吸器系の能力を高める
  • 末端まで呼吸を届けるイメージできると疲労回復効果が高まる