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Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend icon


Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend

Skill Level
  • Stretches the hip joints, hamstrings, calves, knees, inner leg, buttocks, abductor, and back.
  • Loosens, adds flexibility, and range of motion.
  • Abdominal tissue activation, kidney detoxification
  • Stretch your back muscles and strengthens your spine
  • 股関節、ハムストリング、ふくらはぎ、膝、脚の内側と裏側のストレッチ
  • 鼠蹊部(脚の付け根)、内転筋伸ばして緩め柔軟性と可動域の拡大
  • 腹部組織の活性化、腎臓の解毒
  • 背中の筋肉を伸ばし、背骨を強化
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Bound Angle Pose icon


Bound Angle Pose

Skill Level
  • Improvement of sciatica
  • Helps with menstrual pain, irregular menstruation, constipation improvement
  • Hip and lower abdomen tightening effect
  • Relieves stiffness in the ankles, knee, and back pain
  • Prevention of varicose veins
  • Open the hip joint and strongly stretch the adductor muscle of the inner thigh
  • Hamstrings, iliopsoas stretch
  • Correct the pelvis
  • 坐骨神経痛の改善
  • 生理痛、生理不順、便秘改善
  • ヒップ・下腹の引き締め効果
  • 足首のこわばりを和らげ膝と腰痛の緩和
  • 静脈瘤(じょうみゃくりゅう)の予防
  • 股関節をひらき、内ももの内転筋を強く伸ばす
  • ハムストリングス、腸腰筋のストレッチ
  • 骨盤を矯正する
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Gate Pose icon


Gate Pose

Skill Level
  • Your sides don’t get stretched very much all day. This poses increases spine flexibility and the muscles around the abdomen by moving left and right sides of your body.
  • Promotes blood flow in the waist, shoulders, and pelvis
  • Improves your left/right balance
  • 普段あまりない左右の体側を伸ばして動かす背骨の 動きの為、背骨の柔軟性、内蔵、お腹周りの筋肉ウエストの引き締め
  • 腰、肩、骨盤の歪み血流を促す
  • 左右バランス
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Reverse Warrior icon

Viparita Virabhadrasana

Reverse Warrior

Skill Level
  • Strengthen and stretch legs, groin, waist, shoulders, arms, and sides.
  • Improves flexibility of spine, inner thigh, ankle and chest
  • Deep stretch the torso
  • Increases systemic blood flow
  • Regular practice of this pose will strengthen the core and help reduce back pain
  • 脚、脚の付け根、腰、肩、腕、腰の側面を強化し、伸ばす
  • 脊椎、内モモ、足首、胸部の柔軟性を向上
  • 胴体への深いストレッチ
  • 全身の血流を増加
  • このポーズを定期的に練習すると、コアが強化し腰痛の緩和に役立つ
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Extended Side Angle Pose icon

Utthita Parsvakonasana

Extended Side Angle Pose

Skill Level
  • Improves overall stability
  • Flexibility of ankles, knees, hips and shoulder
  • Strengthens legs, waist and back muscles
  • Activate abdominal organs
  • Releases stiffness in thighs and neck
  • 全体的な安定性向上
  • 足首、膝、腰、肩の柔軟性
  • 脚、腰、背中の筋肉を強化
  • 腹部臓器を活性化
  • 太モモ、首のコリをほぐす
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Full Boat Pose icon


Full Boat Pose

Skill Level
  • Reduces excess waist and abdominal fat
  • Strengthens the pelvic area
  • Strengthens the spine, neck and legs
  • Strengthens the trunk and develops a sense of balance
  • Uses inner muscles and has a whole body tightening effect
  • 余分なウエストと腹部の脂肪を減らします
  • 骨盤領域を強化する
  • 脊椎、首、脚を強化する
  • 体幹強化しバランス感覚を養う
  • インナーマッスルを使い、全身の引き締めに効果あり
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Maricyasana A icon

Maricyasana A

Marichi Pose A

Skill Level
  • It has a strong effect on the waist’s flexibility and straightness.
  • Strong action on abdominal organs and spinal cord
  • Stretches the front side of the thigh (quadriceps), hamstrings, and greater gluteal muscle (back of the thigh, buttocks)
  • Iliopsoas muscle strengthening (hip flexion)
  • Improves shoulder joint flexibility and shoulder stiffness
  • 腰に強い効果があり柔軟にし矯正します
  • 腹部臓器と脊髄に強い作用
  • 太もも前側(大腿四頭筋)、ハムストリングス・大臀筋(太もも裏・お尻)のストレッチ
  • 腸腰筋強化(股関節屈曲)
  • 肩関節の柔軟性UP、肩こりの改善
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Sphinx Pose icon

Salamba Bhujangasana

Sphinx Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthens the spine and tightens the back muscles
  • Tightens the buttocks
  • Prevents low back pain and strengthens the brachial muscles
  • Opens your back, chest, lungs, shoulders, spine and abdomen. Increases vitality, stimulates & activates the abdominal organs, and reduces stress
  • Fatigue recovery and relaxation
  • 背骨、背筋の強化、背中の引き締め
  • 臀部の引き締め
  • 腰痛予防・改善、上腕筋の強化
  • 背中、胸、肺、肩、背すじと腹部を開きます。活力を上げ、腹部臓器を刺激、活性化しストレスを軽減する
  • 疲労回復リラックス
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Reclined Big Toe Pose icon

Supta Padangusthasana

Reclined Big Toe Pose

Skill Level
  • Spine, waist, hip and lower abdomen strengthening
  • Effectively stretch the hamstring muscles
  • Eliminates Achilles tendon, calf, thigh, hip joint stiffness
  • Effective in increasing blood flow around the pelvis
  • Prepares you for Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (standing balance pose)
  • 脊柱、ウエスト、ヒップ、下腹部強化
  • 脚の後ろの筋肉(ハムストリング)を効果的に伸ばす
  • アキレス腱、ふくらはぎ、太腿、股関節のこわばりを解消し柔軟にする
  • 骨盤周りの血流をアップする効果あり婦人科系の不調を緩和
  • 立ちバランスポーズのUtthita HastaPadangusthasanaの準備
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Eagle Pose


Eagle Pose

Skill Level
  • Loosens shoulder blades and helps with stiff shoulders
  • Straightens left and right distortion
  • Strengthens limbs, joint strengthening
  • Tightens the upper arm, buttocks, and legs
  • Strengthens the ankle
  • 肩甲骨をほぐし、肩こりを治す
  • 左右の歪み整える
  • 手足の筋力、関節強化
  • 二の腕、お尻、脚を引き締める
  • 足首の力を強める
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Wide Legged Forward Bend icon

Prasarita Padottanasana ABCD

Wide Legged Forward Bend

Skill Level
  • The muscles inside and outside the legs and the soles of the feet are stretched so that they can be used well
  • Improved blood circulation to the upper body and head
  • Increased digestion
  • People who can't do Sirsasana (headstand) should start with this pose.
  • Effective in reducing weight
  • 脚の内外側の筋肉、足の裏が伸ばされ上手く使える ようになる
  • 上体、頭部への血行が良くなる
  • 消化機能が増進
  • 頭スッキリSirsasana(ヘットスタンド)が出来ない人はこのポーズから始めるのが良い
  • 体重を減らす効果あり
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Low Lunge pose


Low Lunge

Skill Level
  • Increased blood and lymph flow makes you feel less fatigued. It has a detox effect.
  • Makes you more flexible, stable, and strengthens your muscles from your thighs all the way to the back of your neck.
  • This pose opens your whole body. Various parts are stretched and you’ll be able to hold poses longer.
  • A good pose for women’s health
  • 全身の血液やリンパ液の流れを促進し疲労回復デトックス効果
  • 股関節をはじめとする、太モモ、そけい部(脚のつけ根)、骨盤、腰椎、ヒップ、腹部、胸、肺、脇の下、 肩、首背中などの可動域や柔軟性、筋力の向上ゆがみの改善ひきしめ安定させる
  • 全身を大きく開くポーズです。様々な箇所が伸ばされ、かつ、ホールドするための筋力が鍛えられる
  • 婦人系の不調改善
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Hold The Big Toe Pose icon


Hold The Big Toe Pose

Skill Level
  • Hamstring, the back of the thighs, the greater ankle, and back stretch
  • Helps with stiff shoulders, back pain, and posture improvement
  • Metabolic UP / Detox Constipation
  • In this reversed posture, blood is collected in the head, the brain is activated, blood circulation is promoted, and detox stress is eliminated
  • Builds tone and digestive juices are secreted
  • ハムストリング、太モモの裏、大臀筋、背中のストレッチ
  • 肩こり、腰痛、姿勢改善
  • 代謝UP、デトックス、便秘
  • 逆転の姿勢で血液を頭部に集め、脳を活性化血行促進し、デトックスストレス解消
  • 内蔵の調子が整い消化液の分泌される
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Half Spinal Twist Pose icon


Half Spinal Twist Pose

Skill Level
  • Sciatica
  • Very useful against diabetes
  • Activates the abdominal organs
  • Reduces ankle, knee, waist and shoulder stiffness
  • Improve shoulder and back stiffness
  • 坐骨神経痛
  • 糖尿病に非常に役立ちま
  • 腹部の臓器を活性化します
  • 足首、膝、腰、肩の硬直を軽減
  • 肩、背中のコリ改善
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An icon for Krauncasana


Heron Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthens the back and abdomen
  • Abdominal tissue and heart activation
  • Body adjustment
  • Improved ankle, knee, waist and shoulder flexibility
  • Thigh peach hamstring, back of knees, calf muscles are stretched to soften the hip joint
  • 背中と腹部を強化する
  • 腹部組織と心臓の活性化
  • 身体調整
  • 足首、膝、腰、肩の柔軟性を向上
  • 太モモハムストリング、ひざ裏、ふくらはぎの筋肉を伸ばして股関節を柔らかくする
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Bridge Pose icon


Bridge Pose

Skill Level
  • Improve indigestion and constipation, strengthens abdominal organs
  • Effective for pelvic floor muscle training
  • Improves shoulder, knee and back flexibility
  • Good for the respiratory system
  • Activates head circulation
  • 消化不良および便秘改善、腹部器官を強化する
  • 骨盤底筋のトレーニングに効果
  • 肩、膝と背中の柔軟性を向上
  • 呼吸器系に良い
  • 頭部の循環を活性化
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Banana Pose icon


Banana Pose

Skill Level
  • Stretch the side of the body that easily shrinks
  • Stretching the side of your body stimulates the meridians of the bile and liver which leads to the detoxification. Bile is the fluid needed to digest fat
  • Firmly stretches your body, flanks, ribs, armpits, and especially your waist
  • Normally, even if the body side is twisted, it rarely stretched up and down. Effective for preventing back pain, correcting pelvic strain, and improving posture
  • 縮みやすい体側を伸ばす
  • 体側伸ばしは、デトックスにも効果的、体側をストレッチすることで、胆のう&肝臓の経絡を刺激してデトックスにつながる胆汁は脂肪を消化するのに必要な液体
  • しっかりと、体側、脇腹、肋骨、脇の下、特にウエストが伸ばされる
  • 普段、体側ってねじることはあっても上下に伸びることが少なく腰痛予防や、骨盤の歪みの矯正、姿勢改善にも効果的
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Downward Facing Dog Pose icon

Adhomukha Shvanasana

Downward Facing Dog Pose

Skill Level
  • It has good effects on the whole body, such as improvement of high blood pressure/hypotension, relief of joint and feet pain and stiffness, relieves stiffness around shoulder blades and arthritis of shoulders, and balances the mind and body which reduces stress.
  • By balancing the whole body with hands and feet, you can develop a sense of balance at every point, such as limbs and arms, pelvis and waist, shoulders, and back muscles.
  • You can exercise moderately on areas of concern such as your upper arms, chest, thighs, and buttocks.
  • People who still can't do a headstand can expect a similar effects with this pose (the head and upper body are lowered, upper body can be fully stretched and can be well-circulated without straining the heart.)
  • 高血圧/低血圧の改善、関節や足の痛み・こりの緩和、肩甲骨周辺のこりや肩の関節炎の緩和など、全身に良い効果をもたらし、心身のバランスを整え、ストレスを軽減してくれる
  • 手と足で全身のバランスを取ることで、手足や腕、骨盤や腰、肩や背中、背筋など、体のあらゆるポイントのバランス感覚が養える
  • 二の腕・胸・太もも・お尻といった気になる部分にも適度なエクササイズになるので、継続して行うことで体のシェイプアップ効果も期待できる
  • ヘッドスタンドがまだできない人も、このポーズでほぼ同様の効果が期待できます。(頭と上半身を下げるので、上体を十分に伸ばしながら心臓に負担なく、上半身の血行を良くすることができる)
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Extended Triangle Pose icon


Triangle Pose

Skill Level
  • Stretches the side muscles that are rarely stretched in daily life, so the right and left balance distortion is adjusted.
  • Strengthen the back, spine, spinal cord, shoulders, legs, calves and muscles
  • Stimulate the internal organs to eliminate constipation
  • Reinforced “abdominal oblique muscles” around the flank
  • Increase metabolism, improves fatigue
  • 日常生活で伸ばす機会の少ない側面の筋肉をストレッチするので、左右のバランス歪みを整える
  • 背中、背骨、脊髄、肩、脚、ふくらはぎの筋肉を整え強化
  • 内臓を刺激して便秘解消
  • 脇腹の周辺にある「腹斜筋群」を強化ウエストラインの引締め
  • 代謝UP、疲労改善
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Airplane Pose icon


Airplane Pose

Skill Level
  • Improves leg strength and flexibility of the back muscles and spine
  • Improves flexibility of pelvic muscles
  • Activates the nervous system
  • Strengthens the ankle joints
  • Improves balance and concentration
  • 背中の筋肉と脊椎の脚の強度と柔軟性を向上
  • 骨盤の筋肉の柔軟性を改善
  • 神経系を活性化
  • 足首関節を強化
  • バランスと集中力を向上
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Head-to-Knee Forward Bend Pose icon

Janu Sirsasana

Head-to-Knee Forward Bend Pose

Skill Level
  • Stimulates the liver, kidneys and enhances digestive function
  • Relieves high blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, headache, and menstrual discomfort
  • Ankle, knee, hamstring, buttocks, buttocks, shoulder, and back extension
  • Makes the hip joints flexible
  • Trunk strengthening, sciatica
  • 肝臓、腎臓を刺激し、消化機能を高める
  • 高血圧、不眠症、不安、疲労、頭痛、月経不快感を和らげます
  • 足首、ヒザ、ハムストリング、お尻、臀部、肩、背中を伸ばす
  • 股関節を柔軟にする
  • 体幹強化、坐骨神経痛
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Sage Twist icon


Sage Twist

Skill Level
  • Tones the core and stretches and strengthens the spinal muscles to increase shoulder flexibility
  • Tightens the waist and stomach, increases the visceral function, and improves digestion
  • Makes your lower body flexible and relieve tension on the sides of your buttocks
  • Spine and pelvic strain adjustment, sciatica
  • Stretches your spine comfortably in a spiral deep twist.
  • コアの調子を整え脊椎の筋肉を伸ばして強化し、肩の柔軟性を高める
  • ウエスト、お腹の引き締め内臓機能を高め消化を改善する
  • 下半身を柔軟にし、お尻の側面の緊張をほぐす
  • 背骨、骨盤の歪み調整、坐骨神経痛の緩和
  • 背骨をスパイラル状に深くツイストのできる気持ちよくストレッチするポーズです
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One-legged Pigeon pose icon


Pigeon pose

Skill Level
  • One of the best hip opening asanas. Increases lumbar flexibility
  • Stretch the glutes
  • Increases hamstring flexibility
  • Improve back pain
  • 股関節を開くのにとても良いポーズの一つ腰部の柔軟性を高める
  • 大臀筋を伸ばす
  • ハムストリングの柔軟性を強化
  • 背中の痛みを改善する
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Warrior I icon

Virabhadrasana I

Warrior I

Skill Level
  • Pelvic correction, pelvic plate muscle, rectus abdominis muscle strengthening
  • Make your hips, knees and ankles flexible
  • Open hips, stretch back, tighten and strengthen leg muscles
  • Strong effect on hamstrings
  • Improvement of stiff shoulders
  • 骨盤矯正、骨盤底筋、腹直筋の強化
  • お尻、膝、足首を柔軟にする
  • 股関節を開き、背中を伸ばし、脚の筋肉を引締め強化する
  • ハムストリングに強く作用
  • 肩こりの改善
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Warrior II icon

Virabhadrasana II

Warrior II

Skill Level
  • Shapes and strengthens your legs & back which improves stability and flexibility
  • Preparation for advanced forward bending poses
  • Relieves stiffness in neck, shoulders, and upper back
  • Increases lung capacity and keeps the internal organs in good condition
  • Strengthens the nervous system and spinal cord
  • 足と背中を整形して強化し、安定性と柔軟性を向上
  • 高度な前屈ポーズの準備
  • 首、肩、背中のこわばりを軽減
  • 肺容量を増加させ、内臓を良好な状態に保つ
  • 神経系と脊髄を強化
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Reverse Warrior icon

Viparita Virabhadrasana

Reverse Warrior

Skill Level
  • Strengthen and stretch legs, groin, waist, shoulders, arms, and sides.
  • Improves flexibility of spine, inner thigh, ankle and chest
  • Deep stretch the torso
  • Increases systemic blood flow
  • Regular practice of this pose will strengthen the core and help reduce back pain
  • 脚、脚の付け根、腰、肩、腕、腰の側面を強化し、伸ばす
  • 脊椎、内モモ、足首、胸部の柔軟性を向上
  • 胴体への深いストレッチ
  • 全身の血流を増加
  • このポーズを定期的に練習すると、コアが強化し腰痛の緩和に役立つ
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Garland Pose icon


Garland Pose

Skill Level
  • Trains muscles by the pelvis and pelvic plate muscle
  • Posture improvement, shape up effect around the stomach
  • Good for menstrual pain, gynecological problems, and constipation
  • Strengthen/stretches the ankles, hips, back & shoulders
  • Helps expel what should be discharged from the body. Stimulates the digestive tract and raising metabolism. Effective when you eat too much or drink too much.
  • 骨盤周りの筋肉、骨盤底筋を鍛える
  • 姿勢改善、お腹周りのシェイプアップ効果
  • 生理痛、婦人科系の不調、便秘解消
  • 足首、股関節、背中、肩のストレッチ強化
  • 体外に排出されるべきものを出しやすくしてくれるほか、消化器官を刺激し 基礎代謝を上げる効果が あり、食べ過ぎ飲み過ぎてしまった時に効果的
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Revolved Head To Knee Pose icon

Parivritta Janu Sirsasana

Revolved Head To Knee Pose

Skill Level
  • Relaxes the muscles around the ribs and deepens breathing.
  • Enhances hip joint flexibility and outer rotation.
  • Relieves stiff shoulders and back pain.
  • Stretches the spine, spinal cord, shoulders, buttocks, hamstring stretch liver and kidney. This improves digestive function and activates the abdominal tissues.
  • A very comfortable pose that restores the original degree of freedom by adding a complex stretch to the spine.
  • 肋骨周りの筋肉を緩め呼吸を深める
  • 股関節を外回しする柔軟性強化
  • 肩こり腰痛の緩和
  • 背骨、脊髄、肩、お尻、ハムストリングスのストレッチ肝臓や腎臓など腹部組織の活性化・消化機能の改善
  • 固まった現代人の背骨に複雑なストレッチを加えて、本来の自由度を取り戻させてくれる、とても気持ち良いポーズ
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Tortoise Pose icon


Tortoise Pose

Skill Level
  • Calming and relaxing after a busy day
  • Releases stress and refreshes
  • Improves pelvis and hip strain, improves flexibility, prevents and relieves back pain because you can stretch your waist that is shrinking and stiff
  • Smooths blood circulation to the abdomen, lower back, and back. Also prevents swelling, constipation, improves coldness, and relieves menstrual pain.
  • Trains your pelvic plate muscles
  • When you want to get a deep sleep in a relaxed state, breathe deeply before going to bed to improve sleep quality. Even works on nights when you can't sleep
  • 忙しかった1日の後などに心を落ち着かせリラックスさせる効果
  • ストレスリリース、リフレッシュ効果
  • 縮んで凝り固まっている腰をストレッチすることができるので骨盤や股関節の歪みが改善され柔軟性UP、腰痛予防、緩和
  • 腹部や腰、背中への血液循環がスムーズになるので、むくみ予防、便秘、冷えの改善、生理痛の緩和になる
  • 骨盤底筋を鍛える
  • 眠れない夜にも◎リラックスした状態で深い眠りにつきたい時寝る前に深い呼吸をしながらやると睡眠の質が向上する
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Wind Relieving Pose icon

Pavana Muktasana

Wind Relieving Pose

Skill Level
  • The pressure from this pose helps relieve gas in the internal organs and eliminate constipation
  • Stimulates and activates the internal organs by compressing the body
  • Lumbar stretched, mild back pain and fatigue recovery
  • Strengthens the neck muscles, abdominal muscles, and shapes up the stomach
  • Correction of the pelvis and spine
  • 内臓を圧迫刺激ガスが溜まったことでの膨満感、便秘解消、整腸効果し活性化する
  • 腰部が伸ばされ、軽い腰痛や疲れの回復
  • 首の筋肉の強化、腹筋を強化、お腹回りのシェイプアップ
  • 骨盤、背骨の矯正
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Intense side stretch icon


Intense side stretch

Skill Level
  • Removes muscle stiffness in the legs, buttocks, hips and hamstring. It also helps with leg tightening, strengthening and flexibility
  • The internal organs are contracted, activated, and the condition is adjusted
  • Improve stiff shoulders, stoops, and posture
  • When the pose is done correctly, the shoulders are pulled back enough to facilitate deep breathing
  • Blood circulation from heart to head
  • 足と尻の筋肉のこりを取り除き 股関節ハムストリ ング、脚の引締め強化柔軟にする
  • 内臓を収縮させ活性化し調子が整う
  • 肩こり、猫背、姿勢の改善
  • 正しいポーズでは 肩が十分に後へ引き上げられるので 深い呼吸が容易になる
  • 心臓から頭へ血液の循環
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Revolved Triangle Pose icon

Parivritha Trikonasana

Revolved Triangle Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthen buttocks, thighs, and calf muscles
  • Improves spinal and back muscle function by improving spinal circulation
  • The twist stimulates and activates the internal and digestive organs.
  • Continued practice is effective in tightening around the stomach
  • Improve balance and prepare for other twist poses
  • 尻、もも、ふくらはぎの筋肉を強め整える
  • 脊椎(せきつい)血行が良くなり背骨および背中の筋肉の機能を整える
  • ツイストによって、内臓、消化器官に刺激を与え、活性化します
  • 継続して練習することでお腹周りの引き締めに効果あり
  • バランス感覚向上、他のツイストポーズの準備
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Revolved chair pose icon

Parivritha Utkatasana

Revolved Chair Pose

Skill Level
  • Tightens the shin, inner thigh, and calf muscles
  • Creates waist constriction
  • Tightens the spine and lower back by adjusting the distortion of the entire body
  • By twisting the body, the internal organs are stimulated. The blood flow is lightly compressed in the internal organs and when the twist is restored it flows out all at once. The blood flow improves and the internal organs are worked.
  • スネ、内モモ、ふくらはぎの引き締め
  • ウエストを引き締めくびれを作る
  • 背骨、腰を柔軟にし体全体のゆがみを調整し引き締める
  • 体を捻ることで内臓が刺激され、捻りを戻す際に軽 く圧迫されていた内臓の血流が一気に流れるので、 血流が良くなり、内臓の働きが良くなる。
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Half Bound Lotus Forward Fold

Ardha Baddha Padma Pada Pascimottanasana

Half Bound Lotus Forward Fold

Skill Level
  • Improves shoulder, waist, hip joint, thigh, back, knee, and ankle flexibility
  • Increases internal function
  • Strengthens the lower abdomen
  • Eliminates constipation
  • The chest is strongly stretched, effective in eliminating stooping
  • 肩、腰、股関節、もも裏、膝、足首の柔軟性を向上させる
  • 内臓機能を高める
  • 下腹部を強化
  • 便秘を解消
  • 胸が強くストレッチされ、猫背の改善に有効
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Half Splits Pose icon

Ardha Hanumanasana

Half Splits Pose

Skill Level
  • Pelvic strain adjustment
  • Increases flexibility of the ham strings and calf muscles on the back of the thigh
  • Strengthening the inner muscle of the abdomen
  • Stretch back muscles
  • Eliminates swelling of the legs
  • Promote blood circulation
  • Sitting for long periods of time in bad posture can cause pelvic distortion, coldness, and swelling. If you continue to work at your desk, you may want to refresh yourself with this pose once in a while.
  • 骨盤の歪み調整
  • もも裏ハムストリングス、ふくらはぎの筋肉の柔軟性UP
  • お腹のインナーマッスルの強化
  • 背中の筋肉のストレッチ
  • 足のむくみ解消
  • 血行促進
  • 姿勢の悪い状態で長時間座っていると、骨盤のゆがみや体の冷え、むくみを引き起こします。デスクワークが続いたら、たまにこのポーズでリフレッシュすると良い
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Dolphin Plank Pose icon

Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana

Dolphin Plank Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthens the core and tightens the whole body
  • Adjusts your posture (when you have strong abs and back muscles, your posture naturally improves)
  • Strengthens the muscles around the shoulders such as the serratus anterior muscle, triceps brachii muscle, biceps brachii muscle, and latissimus dorsi muscle. It also improves stiff shoulders
  • Shapes up the upper arm
  • Strengthens the back and spine
  • Great for creating waist, abs, and constrictions
  • Strengthens the Gluteal muscle. Stretches the legs, hamstrings, calves, and your foot arch

Strengthening the trunk is a good exercise for improving your normal posture and relieving stiff shoulders. So it's also recommended for people who have a tight shoulder area during desk work.

  • コア(体幹)の強化、全身の引締め
  • 姿勢を整える(腹筋や背筋がつくと、自然と姿勢も良くなる)
  • 前鋸筋、上腕三頭筋、上腕二頭筋、広背筋など肩周りの筋肉の強化、肩こりの改善
  • 二の腕のシェイプアップ
  • 背中、背骨の強化
  • ウエスト周り、腹筋、くびれを作るのに最適
  • 臀筋強化、脚、ハムストリングス、ふくらはぎ、土踏まずのストレッチ


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Cobra Pose icon


Cobra Pose

Skill Level
  • Keeps the abdomen very strong and healthy
  • Strengthen the entire spine and increase flexibility
  • Eliminates sciatica, lower back, neck and breathing problems
  • Acts on the pancreas, spleen and liver
  • Hip-up with muscle strengthening of the buttocks
  • 腹部を非常に強く元気に保ちます
  • 脊椎全体を強化し、柔軟性を高めます
  • 坐骨神経痛、腰、首、呼吸の問題を解消
  • 膵臓、脾臓、肝臓に作用します
  • お尻の筋肉強化によるヒップアップ
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Lotus Pose icon


Lotus Pose

Skill Level
  • It is easy to sit for a long time in this position. Until you get used to sitting like this, your legs will be squeezed when you cross your legs. If you can loosen your joints, you can sit deeply, the cross points will loosen, and the legs will touch the groin. It won’t come in contact with the floor so you won’t feel tired sitting like this for a long time.
  • Keeps the spine strong and active
  • The waist, pelvis, hip joints, knees, and ankles need to be flexible. The blood flow, lymph flow, and meridian flow in the lower part of the body are improved. It corrects pelvic distortion and improves the function of internal organs and bladder. It is also effective for swelling and coldness. In the old teachings of hatha yoga, it is said that “all illnesses are cured”.
  • シンプルに長時間坐りやすい(慣れるまでは脚をクロスしているところで圧迫されてしまって足がしびれますが、関節がほぐれ深く組めるようになればクロスしているところはゆるみ、足は鼠径部に置かれ足首などが圧迫されずしびれなくなる。床と接触しないので長時間坐っていても痛くなったり、疲れを感じなくなる)
  • 背骨を強くアクティブに保ちます
  • 腰、骨盤、股関節、膝、足首、の柔軟性が高まり、鼠径部〜下半身の血行やリンパの流れ、経絡の流れを改善します。骨盤の歪みを整え、内臓や膀胱の働きも高めます。むくみや冷え性にも効果的です。ハタヨガの古い教典では「全ての病気を治す」とまで言われています
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Warrior I icon

Virabhadrasana I

Warrior I

Skill Level
  • Pelvic correction, pelvic plate muscle, rectus abdominis muscle strengthening
  • Make your hips, knees and ankles flexible
  • Open hips, stretch back, tighten and strengthen leg muscles
  • Strong effect on hamstrings
  • Improvement of stiff shoulders
  • 骨盤矯正、骨盤底筋、腹直筋の強化
  • お尻、膝、足首を柔軟にする
  • 股関節を開き、背中を伸ばし、脚の筋肉を引締め強化する
  • ハムストリングに強く作用
  • 肩こりの改善
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Chair Pose icon


Chair Pose

Skill Level
  • Stretches the back to remove stiff shoulders
  • Effective in correcting mild foot distortion
  • Lifts the diaphragm and the chest is widened which develops the pectoral muscle.
  • Stabilizes and strengthens the trunk, entire leg, and waist
  • Helps regain a sense of stability in the waist. Sends heat to sooth and warm the nerve flow (the back has one of the autonomic nerves, the para-switching nerve, that turns on the relaxation switch)
  • 肩のこりを取り背中のストレッチ
  • 軽度の足の歪みの矯正に効果
  • 横隔膜が引き上げられ、胸が十分広げられるので胸筋も発達する
  • 体幹部、脚全体、腰を安定させ強化する
  • 腰に安定感を取り戻し、熱を送って神経の流れをスムーズにし温める(腰には自律神経のひとつ、リラックスのスイッチをオンにする副交換神経が流れている)
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Intense Three-Limb Stretch icon

Tryangamukhaikapada Pascimottanasana

Intense Three-Limb Stretch

Skill Level
  • Strengthen and corrects muscles in the abdomen, waist, and legs
  • Activates abdominal organs, digestive disorders and gastrointestinal disorders
  • Stretch of the front side of the thigh (quadriceps), hamstrings, greater gluteus, hip internal rotation
  • Intestinal psoas muscle strengthening (also called “deep abdominal muscles” plays a very important role in exercise)
  • Strengthen back muscles and spinal cord
  • 腹部、腰、脚の筋肉強化し矯正する
  • 腹部臓器を活性化し、消化器疾患や胃腸障害
  • 太ももの前側(大腿四頭筋)、ハムストリング、大臀筋、股関節内旋のストレッチ
  • 腸腰筋強化(「深腹筋」とも呼ばれ運動に非常に重要な働きをしている)
  • 背中の筋肉と脊髄を強化
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An icon of the ardha-matsyendrasana pose

Ardha Matsyendrasana

Half Spinal Twist Pose

Skill Level
  • Good for the sciatic nerve
  • Very useful for diabetes
  • Loosen back and shoulder stiffness
  • Activates abdominal organs
  • Reduces ankle, knee, waist and shoulder stiffness
  • 坐骨神経に良い
  • 糖尿病に非常に役立つ
  • 背中、肩のコリをほぐす
  • 腹部臓器を活性化する
  • 足首、膝、腰、肩の硬直を軽減
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Cow Face Pose icon


Cow Face Pose

Skill Level
  • Adjusts your left and right balance
  • Flexibility around shoulders and increased range of motion, tightening of second arm
  • Helps lower back pain, stiff shoulders, sciatica
  • Increase the flexibility of the hip joint and the outside of the thigh
  • Useful for pelvic adjustment by stretching around the pelvis
  • 左右のバランスを整える
  • 肩周りの柔軟性と可動域の拡大、二の腕の引き締め
  • 腰痛、肩こり、座骨神経痛
  • 股関節、太ももの外側の柔軟性を高める
  • 骨盤まわりをストレッチすることで骨盤調整に役立つ
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Icon for agnistambhasana


Square Pose

Skill Level
  • External rotation of the hip joint The meridians that mainly pass through the sides of the thighs are stretched to improve flexibility and loosen the discipline of the buttocks.
  • Strengthening the inner muscle of the abdomen and the pelvic plate muscles
  • Improvement of X-leg and O-leg If it is X-leg or O-leg, the movement of the hip joint will be restricted, so adjust the direction of the knee to correct it.
  • Use gravity to move the hip joint powerfully, and pose effectively for adjusting pelvic strain.
  • Relieve Cold sensitivity and adjust posture
  • 股関節外旋股主に太ももの側面を通っている経絡をストレッチされ柔軟性がUPしお尻の懲りをほぐす
  • お腹のインナーマッスル, 骨盤底筋の強化の強化
  • X脚・O脚の改善 X脚やO脚になっていると、股関節の動きが制限されてしまいますので、それを直すような方向へ膝の向きを調整
  • 重力を使って股関節を強力に動かし、骨盤歪み調整に効果的なポーズ
  • 冷え解消、姿勢を整える
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Bow Pose icon


Bow Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthen abdominal organs
  • Eliminate indigestion and constipation
  • Activating circulation of the head through the pelvic region
  • Improve shoulder flexibility and strengthen knee and back
  • Effective for respiratory system
  • 腹部臓器を強化する
  • 消化不良、便秘を解消
  • 骨盤領域、頭部の循環活性化
  • 肩の柔軟性を向上させ膝と背中強化
  • 呼吸器系に効果
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Happy Baby icon

Ananda Balasana

Happy Baby

Skill Level
  • Highly stretchable poses for hip joints, buttocks, gluteal muscles, and back of thighs
  • Waist, spine, back stretch
  • Relaxing the whole body and improving blood circulation in the lower body has the effect of relieving stress and fatigue, and is a recommended pose before going to bed at night
  • Improve lymphatic flow and condition the pelvis and cervical spine
  • Activates the function of internal organs and helps to improve constipation, menstrual pain, back pain, coldness, etc., and eliminate swelling.
  • 股関節、お尻、臀筋、太ももの裏ハムストリングスのストレッチ効果の高いポーズ
  • 腰、背骨、背中のストレッチ
  • 全身をリラックスさせて下半身の血行をよくすることで、ストレス、疲労回復効果があり夜寝る前におすすめのポーズ
  • リンパの流れを改善したり骨盤や頚椎を整える
  • 内臓の働きを活性化し便秘、生理痛、腰痛、冷えなどの改善、むくみの解消にも役立つ
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Tortoise Pose icon


Tortoise Pose

Skill Level
  • Calming and relaxing after a busy day
  • Releases stress and refreshes
  • Improves pelvis and hip strain, improves flexibility, prevents and relieves back pain because you can stretch your waist that is shrinking and stiff
  • Smooths blood circulation to the abdomen, lower back, and back. Also prevents swelling, constipation, improves coldness, and relieves menstrual pain.
  • Trains your pelvic plate muscles
  • When you want to get a deep sleep in a relaxed state, breathe deeply before going to bed to improve sleep quality. Even works on nights when you can't sleep
  • 忙しかった1日の後などに心を落ち着かせリラックスさせる効果
  • ストレスリリース、リフレッシュ効果
  • 縮んで凝り固まっている腰をストレッチすることができるので骨盤や股関節の歪みが改善され柔軟性UP、腰痛予防、緩和
  • 腹部や腰、背中への血液循環がスムーズになるので、むくみ予防、便秘、冷えの改善、生理痛の緩和になる
  • 骨盤底筋を鍛える
  • 眠れない夜にも◎リラックスした状態で深い眠りにつきたい時寝る前に深い呼吸をしながらやると睡眠の質が向上する
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Tree Pose icon


Tree Pose

Skill Level
  • Develop muscles in both legs to improve balance
  • Pelvic distortion adjustment, posture improvement
  • Tightening the second arm
  • Spine, nervous system, and strengthening
  • Improves concentration and calms the balance between mind and body
  • 両足の筋肉を整えて平衡感覚を発達させる
  • 骨盤の歪み調整、姿勢の改善
  • 二の腕の引き締め
  • 背骨、神経系と強化
  • 集中力が向上し、心と体のバランスが落ち着きます
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Lord Of The Dance Pose icon


Lord of the Dance Pose

Skill Level
  • Tighten and beautify your back
  • Develop a sense of balance and makes your body movement beautiful
  • Strengthen and tone leg muscles and ankle
  • Stimulate and improve function in your shoulders, ribs, and spinal cord
  • Stretches your shoulders, chest, thighs, hip joint, and abdomen
  • Gluteal muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings
  • 背中を引き締めキレイな後姿を作ってくれる
  • バランス感覚を発達させ身のこなしを綺麗にする
  • 脚の筋肉、足首調子を整え強化する
  • 肩胛骨(けんこうこつ)、脊髄(せきずい)全体を刺激し機能が増進
  • 肩、胸、太腿、鼠蹊部(そけいぶ)、腹部のストレッチ
  • 臀筋、大腿四頭筋、ハムストリングス
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Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose icon

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose

Skill Level

If the adductor muscles are skipped, the pelvic plate muscles cannot be supported and the pelvis will loosen and become unstable. By using the adductor muscles that support the pelvis from the front and back, the pelvic plate muscles (group) that supports the internal organs at the bottom of the pelvis can also be supported. The pelvis is aligned by the connection from the adductor muscles to the pelvic plate muscles.

Once the pelvis is in place, the internal organs align. When the internal organs are in place, the lower abdomen will be tightened, the muscles of the legs will be strengthened, and you'll acquire increased stability and flexibility. It trains the deep muscles around the waist, especially the inner muscles and "psoas major muscle" that connects the spine and femur.

内転筋をサボっていると骨盤底筋をサポートできず、 骨盤が緩み安定しません。前後から骨盤を支えている 内転筋を使うと、骨盤の底で内臓を支える骨盤底筋 (群)の働きをもサポートでき内転筋→骨盤底筋への 連結により、骨盤が整います。


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Goddess Pose icon

Utkata Konasana

Goddess Pose

Skill Level
  • It has the effect of training the iliopsoas muscle between the internal organs and the spine which improves your posture
  • Stretch your hips, buttocks and chest.
  • Tighten and strengthen the core muscles.
  • Heats the body and promotes circulation.
  • Strengthen shoulders, arms, upper back, pelvis, buttocks, quads, thigh inside, and calf
  • 内臓と脊椎間にある腸腰筋を鍛える効果があり姿勢の改善が期待できる
  • 腰、鼠蹊部、胸を伸ばす
  • コアの筋肉を引き締め、強化
  • 体を加熱し、循環を促進
  • 肩、腕、背中上部、骨盤, お尻、大腿四頭筋、太ももの内側、ふくらはぎを強化
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Head-to-Knee Forward Bend Pose icon

Janu Sirsasana

Head-to-Knee Forward Bend Pose

Skill Level
  • Stimulates the liver, kidneys and enhances digestive function
  • Relieves high blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, headache, and menstrual discomfort
  • Ankle, knee, hamstring, buttocks, buttocks, shoulder, and back extension
  • Makes the hip joints flexible
  • Trunk strengthening, sciatica
  • 肝臓、腎臓を刺激し、消化機能を高める
  • 高血圧、不眠症、不安、疲労、頭痛、月経不快感を和らげます
  • 足首、ヒザ、ハムストリング、お尻、臀部、肩、背中を伸ばす
  • 股関節を柔軟にする
  • 体幹強化、坐骨神経痛
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Both Big Toe Pose icon

Ubhaya Padangusthasana

Both Big Toe Pose

Skill Level
  • Prepare and balances the lower back part of the pelvis
  • Increases hamstring flexibility and stretches the gluteus maximus
  • Stretches the muscles the whole length of the arm
  • Strengthes the spine
  • Strengthens the iliopsoas muscle
  • Pelvis correction
  • Trains the inner muscles
  • Improves balance
  • 骨盤を整え、坐骨でバランスをとる
  • ハムストリングス柔軟性を高め大臀筋ストレッチ
  • 腕全体の筋肉のストレッチ
  • 背筋の強化
  • 腸腰筋強化
  • 骨盤矯正
  • インナーマッスルを鍛える
  • バランス力の向上
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Gate Pose icon


Gate Pose

Skill Level
  • Your sides don’t get stretched very much all day. This poses increases spine flexibility and the muscles around the abdomen by moving left and right sides of your body.
  • Promotes blood flow in the waist, shoulders, and pelvis
  • Improves your left/right balance
  • 普段あまりない左右の体側を伸ばして動かす背骨の 動きの為、背骨の柔軟性、内蔵、お腹周りの筋肉ウエストの引き締め
  • 腰、肩、骨盤の歪み血流を促す
  • 左右バランス
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Bridge Pose icon


Bridge Pose

Skill Level
  • Improve indigestion and constipation, strengthens abdominal organs
  • Effective for pelvic floor muscle training
  • Improves shoulder, knee and back flexibility
  • Good for the respiratory system
  • Activates head circulation
  • 消化不良および便秘改善、腹部器官を強化する
  • 骨盤底筋のトレーニングに効果
  • 肩、膝と背中の柔軟性を向上
  • 呼吸器系に良い
  • 頭部の循環を活性化

This week's yoga module centered on nurturing flexibility, strength, and alignment, with a special emphasis on opening the hip joints, which are often tight and in need of release.

Through targeted movements, we focused on awakening the outer buttocks and thighs, areas prone to stiffness, to promote freedom of movement and relieve tension. Additionally, the session was dedicated to cultivating a robust torso, core, and back muscles, along with the pelvic floor, fostering natural strength and improving posture.

Thank you for taking the time to explore your yoga practice this week. If you're seeking to enhance your well-being and join future sessions, you are warmly invited to participate in our classes. Embrace the opportunity to nurture your body, mind, and spirit through yoga.

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Hand Under Foot Pose icon


Hand Under Foot Pose

Skill Level
  • Stretch the back of your hamstring, buttocks, greater gluteal muscles, wrists, arms, shoulders, back, sides, and hips using gravity to pull on your back
  • The internal organs are in good condition, the secretion of digestive juice is promoted, the liver and spleen are activated, and it is very effective for people with stomach upset and gastrointestinal disorders
  • Suitable for lack of energy or when you want to refresh your head

Furthermore, because it is a reverse pose, it improves the blood flow of the head and neck, and is refreshing. When oxygen is sent to the brain, the mind calms down, and the urge to eat something that fills the head fades away. Therefore, it is famous for controlling appetite “yoga to suppress appetite”.

  • パソコン座り仕事で固まりやすい裏ももハムストリングやお尻、大臀筋、手首や腕や肩、背中、脇や腰などを重力と引っ張り合う力を使って一気に伸ばす
  • 内臓器官の調子を整え、消化液の分泌が促され、肝 臓、脾臓(ひぞう)の働きが活発になり、腹が張ったり胃腸の障害のある人に大変効果的
  • 気力が欠けた時や頭をリフレッシュさせたい時に適している

さらに逆転のポーズなので頭や首の血流を改善して スッキリします。脳に酸素が送られると、心も落ち着いてくるので、頭の中に充満していた、何かを食べたいという衝動が薄れていきます。それゆえに、食欲を コントロール「食欲を抑えるヨガ」として有名なのです。

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Tree Pose icon


Tree Pose

Skill Level
  • Develop muscles in both legs to improve balance
  • Pelvic distortion adjustment, posture improvement
  • Tightening the second arm
  • Spine, nervous system, and strengthening
  • Improves concentration and calms the balance between mind and body
  • 両足の筋肉を整えて平衡感覚を発達させる
  • 骨盤の歪み調整、姿勢の改善
  • 二の腕の引き締め
  • 背骨、神経系と強化
  • 集中力が向上し、心と体のバランスが落ち着きます
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Low Lunge pose


Low Lunge

Skill Level
  • Increased blood and lymph flow makes you feel less fatigued. It has a detox effect.
  • Makes you more flexible, stable, and strengthens your muscles from your thighs all the way to the back of your neck.
  • This pose opens your whole body. Various parts are stretched and you’ll be able to hold poses longer.
  • A good pose for women’s health
  • 全身の血液やリンパ液の流れを促進し疲労回復デトックス効果
  • 股関節をはじめとする、太モモ、そけい部(脚のつけ根)、骨盤、腰椎、ヒップ、腹部、胸、肺、脇の下、 肩、首背中などの可動域や柔軟性、筋力の向上ゆがみの改善ひきしめ安定させる
  • 全身を大きく開くポーズです。様々な箇所が伸ばされ、かつ、ホールドするための筋力が鍛えられる
  • 婦人系の不調改善
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Lizard Pose icon

Utthan Pristhasana

Lizard Pose

Skill Level
  • A comfortable pose that opens the hip joint and stretches the entire body, including the legs and back.
  • Strengthens the trunk and corrects distortion of the pelvis
  • Loosens the hip joint to promote lymph flow
  • This pose stimulates the hip joint more than expected. It may not be possible to do at first. Stop where you feel comfortable and practice little by little.
  • 股関節を開き、脚や背中など全身を伸ばしていく気 持ち良いポーズ
  • 体幹強化、骨盤のゆがみを整える
  • 股関節をほぐして、リンパの流れを促進
  • このポーズは、想像以上に股関節が刺激されます。はじめのうちは出来ないかもしれません。決して無理しないで少しずつ気持ちいいと感じるところでストップしながら練習していく。
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Marichi Pose B icon

Maricyasana B

Marichi Pose B

Skill Level
  • Tliopsoas strengthening (hip flexion)
  • Gluteus maximus stretch
  • Increased flexibility of the anterior thigh (quadriceps)
  • Increased flexibility of opening the shoulder joint and improved stiff shoulders
  • Relief of back pain
  • Keeps the spine healthy and flexible. It also stimulates and strengthens the ribs and muscles around the back which improves your posture and breathing
  • Massage the abdomen to help activate and excrete the digestive system
  • Increased flexibility of hip external rotation, increased flexibility of knee joints and ankles Deepen Lotus Pose (cross leg)
  • 腸腰筋強化(股関節屈曲)
  • 大臀筋ストレッチ
  • 太もも前側(大腿四頭筋)の柔軟性UP
  • 肩関節を開きの柔軟性UP、肩こりの改善
  • 腰痛の緩和
  • 背骨の健康で柔軟に保ち肋骨と背中の周りの筋肉を刺激して強化して姿勢と呼吸を改善する
  • 腹部をマッサージし、消化器系の活性化と排泄を助ける
  • 股関節外旋の柔軟性UP・膝関節・足首の柔軟性を高めLotus Pose(cross leg)を深める
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Sage Twist icon


Sage Twist

Skill Level
  • Tones the core and stretches and strengthens the spinal muscles to increase shoulder flexibility
  • Tightens the waist and stomach, increases the visceral function, and improves digestion
  • Makes your lower body flexible and relieve tension on the sides of your buttocks
  • Spine and pelvic strain adjustment, sciatica
  • Stretches your spine comfortably in a spiral deep twist.
  • コアの調子を整え脊椎の筋肉を伸ばして強化し、肩の柔軟性を高める
  • ウエスト、お腹の引き締め内臓機能を高め消化を改善する
  • 下半身を柔軟にし、お尻の側面の緊張をほぐす
  • 背骨、骨盤の歪み調整、坐骨神経痛の緩和
  • 背骨をスパイラル状に深くツイストのできる気持ちよくストレッチするポーズです
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Locust Pose icon


Locust Pose

Skill Level
  • Acts on the pancreas, spleen, and liver, making the abdomen extremely strong and activated
  • Strengthen stomach and waist muscles, tightens the butt
  • Strengthen the back of the body, neck, cervical spine, shoulders, chest, back of arms, abdomen, buttocks, lumbar vertebrae, thighs, trunk, and spine to increase flexibility and improve posture
  • Relieves sciatica and menstrual disorders
  • 膵臓、脾臓、肝臓に作用し腹部を非常に強くし活性化
  • お腹、腰の筋肉を強化、お尻を引き締める
  • 体の背面、体幹、首の頸椎、肩、胸、腕の後ろ側、腹、臀部、腰椎、太腿、脊椎全体を強化し、柔軟性を高め姿勢改善
  • 坐骨神経痛、月経障害を和らげる
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Downward Facing Dog Pose icon

Adhomukha Shvanasana

Downward Facing Dog Pose

Skill Level
  • It has good effects on the whole body, such as improvement of high blood pressure/hypotension, relief of joint and feet pain and stiffness, relieves stiffness around shoulder blades and arthritis of shoulders, and balances the mind and body which reduces stress.
  • By balancing the whole body with hands and feet, you can develop a sense of balance at every point, such as limbs and arms, pelvis and waist, shoulders, and back muscles.
  • You can exercise moderately on areas of concern such as your upper arms, chest, thighs, and buttocks.
  • People who still can't do a headstand can expect a similar effects with this pose (the head and upper body are lowered, upper body can be fully stretched and can be well-circulated without straining the heart.)
  • 高血圧/低血圧の改善、関節や足の痛み・こりの緩和、肩甲骨周辺のこりや肩の関節炎の緩和など、全身に良い効果をもたらし、心身のバランスを整え、ストレスを軽減してくれる
  • 手と足で全身のバランスを取ることで、手足や腕、骨盤や腰、肩や背中、背筋など、体のあらゆるポイントのバランス感覚が養える
  • 二の腕・胸・太もも・お尻といった気になる部分にも適度なエクササイズになるので、継続して行うことで体のシェイプアップ効果も期待できる
  • ヘッドスタンドがまだできない人も、このポーズでほぼ同様の効果が期待できます。(頭と上半身を下げるので、上体を十分に伸ばしながら心臓に負担なく、上半身の血行を良くすることができる)
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Warrior III icon

Virabhadrasana III

Warrior III

Skill Level
  • Strengthens the entire back side of the body, core, and adductor muscle
  • Pelvic correction, better sense of balance
  • Improved day-to-day movement and posture
  • People usually stand the wrong way. Their feet don’t fully touch the ground. They don’t develop a balanced body, and their spine lacks flexibility. With your weight on your heels, your belly protrudes. Your mental and physical functions become dull. This asana teaches you to have a stable stance across the soles of your feet. It retracts the belly and makes your mind and body agile.
  • 体の裏側全体、コア、内転筋強化
  • 骨盤矯正、バランス感覚
  • 姿勢身のこなしを改善する
  • 人は普段間違った立ち方、楽な方へ偏り足全体が付いてない為均整のとれた身体に発達せず 背骨の 柔軟性も欠け、かかとに体重をかけて立つと腹が前に突き出て心身の機能が鈍るこのアサナは足の裏全体で安定した立ち方をすることを教え腹を引っ込め俊敏な心身を作る
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Extended Triangle Pose icon


Triangle Pose

Skill Level
  • Stretches the side muscles that are rarely stretched in daily life, so the right and left balance distortion is adjusted.
  • Strengthen the back, spine, spinal cord, shoulders, legs, calves and muscles
  • Stimulate the internal organs to eliminate constipation
  • Reinforced “abdominal oblique muscles” around the flank
  • Increase metabolism, improves fatigue
  • 日常生活で伸ばす機会の少ない側面の筋肉をストレッチするので、左右のバランス歪みを整える
  • 背中、背骨、脊髄、肩、脚、ふくらはぎの筋肉を整え強化
  • 内臓を刺激して便秘解消
  • 脇腹の周辺にある「腹斜筋群」を強化ウエストラインの引締め
  • 代謝UP、疲労改善
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Reverse Warrior icon

Viparita Virabhadrasana

Reverse Warrior

Skill Level
  • Strengthen and stretch legs, groin, waist, shoulders, arms, and sides.
  • Improves flexibility of spine, inner thigh, ankle and chest
  • Deep stretch the torso
  • Increases systemic blood flow
  • Regular practice of this pose will strengthen the core and help reduce back pain
  • 脚、脚の付け根、腰、肩、腕、腰の側面を強化し、伸ばす
  • 脊椎、内モモ、足首、胸部の柔軟性を向上
  • 胴体への深いストレッチ
  • 全身の血流を増加
  • このポーズを定期的に練習すると、コアが強化し腰痛の緩和に役立つ
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Maricyasana A icon

Maricyasana A

Marichi Pose A

Skill Level
  • It has a strong effect on the waist’s flexibility and straightness.
  • Strong action on abdominal organs and spinal cord
  • Stretches the front side of the thigh (quadriceps), hamstrings, and greater gluteal muscle (back of the thigh, buttocks)
  • Iliopsoas muscle strengthening (hip flexion)
  • Improves shoulder joint flexibility and shoulder stiffness
  • 腰に強い効果があり柔軟にし矯正します
  • 腹部臓器と脊髄に強い作用
  • 太もも前側(大腿四頭筋)、ハムストリングス・大臀筋(太もも裏・お尻)のストレッチ
  • 腸腰筋強化(股関節屈曲)
  • 肩関節の柔軟性UP、肩こりの改善
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An icon for Krauncasana


Heron Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthens the back and abdomen
  • Abdominal tissue and heart activation
  • Body adjustment
  • Improved ankle, knee, waist and shoulder flexibility
  • Thigh peach hamstring, back of knees, calf muscles are stretched to soften the hip joint
  • 背中と腹部を強化する
  • 腹部組織と心臓の活性化
  • 身体調整
  • 足首、膝、腰、肩の柔軟性を向上
  • 太モモハムストリング、ひざ裏、ふくらはぎの筋肉を伸ばして股関節を柔らかくする
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One-legged Pigeon pose icon


Pigeon pose

Skill Level
  • One of the best hip opening asanas. Increases lumbar flexibility
  • Stretch the glutes
  • Increases hamstring flexibility
  • Improve back pain
  • 股関節を開くのにとても良いポーズの一つ腰部の柔軟性を高める
  • 大臀筋を伸ばす
  • ハムストリングの柔軟性を強化
  • 背中の痛みを改善する
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Garland Pose icon


Garland Pose

Skill Level
  • Trains muscles by the pelvis and pelvic plate muscle
  • Posture improvement, shape up effect around the stomach
  • Good for menstrual pain, gynecological problems, and constipation
  • Strengthen/stretches the ankles, hips, back & shoulders
  • Helps expel what should be discharged from the body. Stimulates the digestive tract and raising metabolism. Effective when you eat too much or drink too much.
  • 骨盤周りの筋肉、骨盤底筋を鍛える
  • 姿勢改善、お腹周りのシェイプアップ効果
  • 生理痛、婦人科系の不調、便秘解消
  • 足首、股関節、背中、肩のストレッチ強化
  • 体外に排出されるべきものを出しやすくしてくれるほか、消化器官を刺激し 基礎代謝を上げる効果が あり、食べ過ぎ飲み過ぎてしまった時に効果的
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Standing Crescent Moon Pose icon

Parsva Candrasana

Standing Crescent Moon Pose

Skill Level
  • Every time you take a deep breath, fresh oxygen is sent inside your body so the space between the ribs expands. Your whole body is activated and dullness is reduced.
  • Stretches the sides of the body (internal oblique, external oblique) and muscles between the ribs. It feels good because you don't often have a chance to stretch up and down.
  • Dullness in your legs is reduced since the sides of the entire leg are stretched.
  • Stiff shoulders and back pain are improved.
  • Activation of liver function.
  • Stretches your arms.
  • 深い呼吸をするたびに、体側に新鮮な酸素が送り込まれるので、肋骨と肋骨の間が広がり、全身が活性化され、だるさが軽減される
  • 体の側面(内腹斜筋、外腹斜筋)を伸ばして、肋骨の間の筋肉をストレッチします。身体の側面は、なかなか上下に伸ばす機会がないのでとても良い
  • 脚全体の側面も伸ばすので、脚のだるさも軽減される
  • 肩こり、腰痛が改善
  • 肝臓機能の活性化
  • 腕のストレッチ
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Low Lunge pose


Low Lunge

Skill Level
  • Increased blood and lymph flow makes you feel less fatigued. It has a detox effect.
  • Makes you more flexible, stable, and strengthens your muscles from your thighs all the way to the back of your neck.
  • This pose opens your whole body. Various parts are stretched and you’ll be able to hold poses longer.
  • A good pose for women’s health
  • 全身の血液やリンパ液の流れを促進し疲労回復デトックス効果
  • 股関節をはじめとする、太モモ、そけい部(脚のつけ根)、骨盤、腰椎、ヒップ、腹部、胸、肺、脇の下、 肩、首背中などの可動域や柔軟性、筋力の向上ゆがみの改善ひきしめ安定させる
  • 全身を大きく開くポーズです。様々な箇所が伸ばされ、かつ、ホールドするための筋力が鍛えられる
  • 婦人系の不調改善
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Half Moon Pose icon

Ardha Candrasana

Half Moon Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthens the gluteal muscles & lower body, and adjusts the nerves that lead to the leg muscles
  • Pelvic distortion
  • Activates the nervous system and improves concentration
  • Opens the heart and increases the capacity of the respiratory system
  • If you can imagine breathing to the end, your fatigue recovery effects will increase
  • 殿筋、下半身の引き締め強化し、足の筋肉に通じている神経の調子を整える
  • 骨盤の歪み
  • 神経系を活性化、集中力を向上させる
  • 心臓を開き、呼吸器系の能力を高める
  • 末端まで呼吸を届けるイメージできると疲労回復効果が高まる
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Seated Forward Bend icon


Seated Forward Bend

Skill Level
  • Diabetes (helps rejuvenate the pancreas)
  • Activates liver, pancreas, spleen, kidney, and abdominal organs
  • Regular exercise prevents heart disease (increases blood flow to the heart)
  • Stretch suitable for posterior body (especially calf muscle and spine)
  • Calm down and reduce stress
  • 糖尿病(膵臓の若返りに役立ちます)
  • 肝臓、膵臓、脾臓、腎臓、腹部の臓器を活性化
  • 定期的な練習は心臓病を防ぐ(心臓への血流を増加させます)
  • 後部身体(特にふくらはぎの筋肉と脊椎)に適したストレッチ
  • 心を落ち着かせてストレスを軽減
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Icon for parivrtta paschimottanasana

Parivrtta Paschimottanasana

Revolved Seated Forward Bend Pose

Skill Level

This pose is a combination of a twist and a forward bend which engages the pelvic floor muscles and hip flexors. It gives your back muscles, spine, shoulders, chest, and abdomen an intense stretch.

The contracting and stretching of these muscles also improves in their flexibility. I also strengthens the joints.

Twists are always a good way to improve the nervous system. They send messages from the brain to the muscles and back. Activated cells in the body clear paths to release toxins and take in more oxygen for the blood.

Better blood circulation boosts the body keeping it energized and active. Releasing the dullness and heaviness in the hips, shoulders, and spine.

  • Tones the abdominal organs
  • Improve digestion & circulation
  • Therapeutic for mild backaches
  • Lengthens the sides of the torso

ひねりと前屈を組み合わせて、背中、背骨、肩、胸、腹部の筋肉を強く伸ばします。 骨盤底筋と股関節屈筋を積極的に活用します。


ツイストは常に神経系を改善するための良い方法であり、脳から筋肉へ、またはその逆のメッセージを受け取ります. 体内の細胞はねじれた状態で活発に使用されているため、毒素を放出し、血液のためにより多くの酸素を取り込む経路がクリアされます. 血行が良くなることで、体が元気になり、活動的になります。 リラックスしながら身体を活性化させ、腰、肩、背骨のだるさや重さを解放します。

  • 腹部器官の調子を整える
  • 消化と循環を改善する
  • 軽度の腰痛の治療
  • 胴体の側面を伸ばす
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Sage Twist icon


Sage Twist

Skill Level
  • Tones the core and stretches and strengthens the spinal muscles to increase shoulder flexibility
  • Tightens the waist and stomach, increases the visceral function, and improves digestion
  • Makes your lower body flexible and relieve tension on the sides of your buttocks
  • Spine and pelvic strain adjustment, sciatica
  • Stretches your spine comfortably in a spiral deep twist.
  • コアの調子を整え脊椎の筋肉を伸ばして強化し、肩の柔軟性を高める
  • ウエスト、お腹の引き締め内臓機能を高め消化を改善する
  • 下半身を柔軟にし、お尻の側面の緊張をほぐす
  • 背骨、骨盤の歪み調整、坐骨神経痛の緩和
  • 背骨をスパイラル状に深くツイストのできる気持ちよくストレッチするポーズです
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Camel Pose icon


Camel Pose

Skill Level
  • Relieves mild shoulder stiffness and pelvic anteversion
  • Opens the chest
  • Various effects such as strengthening back muscles, adjusts the spine, better posture, and improves stoop
  • Relieves back pain
  • Promotes blood circulation
  • Increases the flexibility of the waist and restores the elasticity of the spine.

What is a warped waist?

When you stand upright, your pelvis tilts forward, and to cover it, your hips also stick out, with the area just above your hips curving back. The cause is lack of muscle strength. Among the inner muscles, if the biceps femoris that connects the thighs and pelvis is weak, the pelvis cannot firmly support the weight of the upper body, resulting in distortion and back pain.

  • 肩こりの穏和、骨盤前傾の緩和(反り腰の改善)
  • 胸を開く
  • 背筋、体幹強化、背骨の調整、姿勢、猫背の改善など様々な効果
  • 腰痛の緩和
  • 血行促進
  • 腰の柔軟性を高め背骨の弾力性を取り戻す



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An icon for the Sucirandhrasana Pose


Eye of the Needle Pose

Skill Level

It stretches the muscles around the buttocks, hamstrings, and hips. If your hips are stiff, it can cause back pain and poor metabolism. In particular, the outside of the buttocks, which is rarely stretched, is comfortably stretched, which promotes blood circulation in the lower body and relieves fatigue of the whole body.

It is also effective for lower body stiffness and lower back pain, and is recommended for people who have a lot of desk work.

  • Stretches your lower back to prevent, eliminate, and adjust your pelvis
  • Loosens the hips and stretch the buttocks
  • Relaxes
  • Improves sensitivity to cold and eliminates swelling



  • 腰を伸ばし腰痛の予防、解消、骨盤調整
  • 股関節をほぐしてお尻をストレッチ
  • リラックス
  • 冷え性改善、むくみの解消