Adhomukha Shvanasana
Downward Facing Dog Pose
- It has good effects on the whole body, such as improvement of high blood pressure/hypotension, relief of joint and feet pain and stiffness, relieves stiffness around shoulder blades and arthritis of shoulders, and balances the mind and body which reduces stress.
- By balancing the whole body with hands and feet, you can develop a sense of balance at every point, such as limbs and arms, pelvis and waist, shoulders, and back muscles.
- You can exercise moderately on areas of concern such as your upper arms, chest, thighs, and buttocks.
- People who still can't do a headstand can expect a similar effects with this pose (the head and upper body are lowered, upper body can be fully stretched and can be well-circulated without straining the heart.)
- 高血圧/低血圧の改善、関節や足の痛み・こりの緩和、肩甲骨周辺のこりや肩の関節炎の緩和など、全身に良い効果をもたらし、心身のバランスを整え、ストレスを軽減してくれる
- 手と足で全身のバランスを取ることで、手足や腕、骨盤や腰、肩や背中、背筋など、体のあらゆるポイントのバランス感覚が養える
- 二の腕・胸・太もも・お尻といった気になる部分にも適度なエクササイズになるので、継続して行うことで体のシェイプアップ効果も期待できる
- ヘッドスタンドがまだできない人も、このポーズでほぼ同様の効果が期待できます。(頭と上半身を下げるので、上体を十分に伸ばしながら心臓に負担なく、上半身の血行を良くすることができる)
Bound Angle Pose
- Improvement of sciatica
- Helps with menstrual pain, irregular menstruation, constipation improvement
- Hip and lower abdomen tightening effect
- Relieves stiffness in the ankles, knee, and back pain
- Prevention of varicose veins
- Open the hip joint and strongly stretch the adductor muscle of the inner thigh
- Hamstrings, iliopsoas stretch
- Correct the pelvis
- 坐骨神経痛の改善
- 生理痛、生理不順、便秘改善
- ヒップ・下腹の引き締め効果
- 足首のこわばりを和らげ膝と腰痛の緩和
- 静脈瘤(じょうみゃくりゅう)の予防
- 股関節をひらき、内ももの内転筋を強く伸ばす
- ハムストリングス、腸腰筋のストレッチ
- 骨盤を矯正する
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose
If the adductor muscles are skipped, the pelvic plate muscles cannot be supported and the pelvis will loosen and become unstable. By using the adductor muscles that support the pelvis from the front and back, the pelvic plate muscles (group) that supports the internal organs at the bottom of the pelvis can also be supported. The pelvis is aligned by the connection from the adductor muscles to the pelvic plate muscles.
Once the pelvis is in place, the internal organs align. When the internal organs are in place, the lower abdomen will be tightened, the muscles of the legs will be strengthened, and you'll acquire increased stability and flexibility. It trains the deep muscles around the waist, especially the inner muscles and "psoas major muscle" that connects the spine and femur.
内転筋をサボっていると骨盤底筋をサポートできず、 骨盤が緩み安定しません。前後から骨盤を支えている 内転筋を使うと、骨盤の底で内臓を支える骨盤底筋 (群)の働きをもサポートでき内転筋→骨盤底筋への 連結により、骨盤が整います。
Utkata Konasana
Goddess Pose
- It has the effect of training the iliopsoas muscle between the internal organs and the spine which improves your posture
- Stretch your hips, buttocks and chest.
- Tighten and strengthen the core muscles.
- Heats the body and promotes circulation.
- Strengthen shoulders, arms, upper back, pelvis, buttocks, quads, thigh inside, and calf
- 内臓と脊椎間にある腸腰筋を鍛える効果があり姿勢の改善が期待できる
- 腰、鼠蹊部、胸を伸ばす
- コアの筋肉を引き締め、強化
- 体を加熱し、循環を促進
- 肩、腕、背中上部、骨盤, お尻、大腿四頭筋、太ももの内側、ふくらはぎを強化
Heron Pose
- Strengthens the back and abdomen
- Abdominal tissue and heart activation
- Body adjustment
- Improved ankle, knee, waist and shoulder flexibility
- Thigh peach hamstring, back of knees, calf muscles are stretched to soften the hip joint
- 背中と腹部を強化する
- 腹部組織と心臓の活性化
- 身体調整
- 足首、膝、腰、肩の柔軟性を向上
- 太モモハムストリング、ひざ裏、ふくらはぎの筋肉を伸ばして股関節を柔らかくする
Pigeon pose
- One of the best hip opening asanas. Increases lumbar flexibility
- Stretch the glutes
- Increases hamstring flexibility
- Improve back pain
- 股関節を開くのにとても良いポーズの一つ腰部の柔軟性を高める
- 大臀筋を伸ばす
- ハムストリングの柔軟性を強化
- 背中の痛みを改善する