Virabhadrasana III
Warrior III
- Strengthens the entire back side of the body, core, and adductor muscle
- Pelvic correction, better sense of balance
- Improved day-to-day movement and posture
- People usually stand the wrong way. Their feet don’t fully touch the ground. They don’t develop a balanced body, and their spine lacks flexibility. With your weight on your heels, your belly protrudes. Your mental and physical functions become dull. This asana teaches you to have a stable stance across the soles of your feet. It retracts the belly and makes your mind and body agile.
- 体の裏側全体、コア、内転筋強化
- 骨盤矯正、バランス感覚
- 姿勢身のこなしを改善する
- 人は普段間違った立ち方、楽な方へ偏り足全体が付いてない為均整のとれた身体に発達せず 背骨の 柔軟性も欠け、かかとに体重をかけて立つと腹が前に突き出て心身の機能が鈍るこのアサナは足の裏全体で安定した立ち方をすることを教え腹を引っ込め俊敏な心身を作る
Triangle Pose
- Stretches the side muscles that are rarely stretched in daily life, so the right and left balance distortion is adjusted.
- Strengthen the back, spine, spinal cord, shoulders, legs, calves and muscles
- Stimulate the internal organs to eliminate constipation
- Reinforced “abdominal oblique muscles” around the flank
- Increase metabolism, improves fatigue
- 日常生活で伸ばす機会の少ない側面の筋肉をストレッチするので、左右のバランス歪みを整える
- 背中、背骨、脊髄、肩、脚、ふくらはぎの筋肉を整え強化
- 内臓を刺激して便秘解消
- 脇腹の周辺にある「腹斜筋群」を強化ウエストラインの引締め
- 代謝UP、疲労改善
Viparita Virabhadrasana
Reverse Warrior
- Strengthen and stretch legs, groin, waist, shoulders, arms, and sides.
- Improves flexibility of spine, inner thigh, ankle and chest
- Deep stretch the torso
- Increases systemic blood flow
- Regular practice of this pose will strengthen the core and help reduce back pain
- 脚、脚の付け根、腰、肩、腕、腰の側面を強化し、伸ばす
- 脊椎、内モモ、足首、胸部の柔軟性を向上
- 胴体への深いストレッチ
- 全身の血流を増加
- このポーズを定期的に練習すると、コアが強化し腰痛の緩和に役立つ
Maricyasana A
Marichi Pose A
- It has a strong effect on the waist’s flexibility and straightness.
- Strong action on abdominal organs and spinal cord
- Stretches the front side of the thigh (quadriceps), hamstrings, and greater gluteal muscle (back of the thigh, buttocks)
- Iliopsoas muscle strengthening (hip flexion)
- Improves shoulder joint flexibility and shoulder stiffness
- 腰に強い効果があり柔軟にし矯正します
- 腹部臓器と脊髄に強い作用
- 太もも前側(大腿四頭筋)、ハムストリングス・大臀筋(太もも裏・お尻)のストレッチ
- 腸腰筋強化(股関節屈曲)
- 肩関節の柔軟性UP、肩こりの改善
Heron Pose
- Strengthens the back and abdomen
- Abdominal tissue and heart activation
- Body adjustment
- Improved ankle, knee, waist and shoulder flexibility
- Thigh peach hamstring, back of knees, calf muscles are stretched to soften the hip joint
- 背中と腹部を強化する
- 腹部組織と心臓の活性化
- 身体調整
- 足首、膝、腰、肩の柔軟性を向上
- 太モモハムストリング、ひざ裏、ふくらはぎの筋肉を伸ばして股関節を柔らかくする
Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend
- Stretches the hip joints, hamstrings, calves, knees, inner leg, buttocks, abductor, and back.
- Loosens, adds flexibility, and range of motion.
- Abdominal tissue activation, kidney detoxification
- Stretch your back muscles and strengthens your spine
- 股関節、ハムストリング、ふくらはぎ、膝、脚の内側と裏側のストレッチ
- 鼠蹊部(脚の付け根)、内転筋伸ばして緩め柔軟性と可動域の拡大
- 腹部組織の活性化、腎臓の解毒
- 背中の筋肉を伸ばし、背骨を強化
Bound Angle Pose
- Improvement of sciatica
- Helps with menstrual pain, irregular menstruation, constipation improvement
- Hip and lower abdomen tightening effect
- Relieves stiffness in the ankles, knee, and back pain
- Prevention of varicose veins
- Open the hip joint and strongly stretch the adductor muscle of the inner thigh
- Hamstrings, iliopsoas stretch
- Correct the pelvis
- 坐骨神経痛の改善
- 生理痛、生理不順、便秘改善
- ヒップ・下腹の引き締め効果
- 足首のこわばりを和らげ膝と腰痛の緩和
- 静脈瘤(じょうみゃくりゅう)の予防
- 股関節をひらき、内ももの内転筋を強く伸ばす
- ハムストリングス、腸腰筋のストレッチ
- 骨盤を矯正する
Pigeon pose
- One of the best hip opening asanas. Increases lumbar flexibility
- Stretch the glutes
- Increases hamstring flexibility
- Improve back pain
- 股関節を開くのにとても良いポーズの一つ腰部の柔軟性を高める
- 大臀筋を伸ばす
- ハムストリングの柔軟性を強化
- 背中の痛みを改善する