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Intense side stretch icon


Intense side stretch

Skill Level
  • Removes muscle stiffness in the legs, buttocks, hips and hamstring. It also helps with leg tightening, strengthening and flexibility
  • The internal organs are contracted, activated, and the condition is adjusted
  • Improve stiff shoulders, stoops, and posture
  • When the pose is done correctly, the shoulders are pulled back enough to facilitate deep breathing
  • Blood circulation from heart to head
  • 足と尻の筋肉のこりを取り除き 股関節ハムストリ ング、脚の引締め強化柔軟にする
  • 内臓を収縮させ活性化し調子が整う
  • 肩こり、猫背、姿勢の改善
  • 正しいポーズでは 肩が十分に後へ引き上げられるので 深い呼吸が容易になる
  • 心臓から頭へ血液の循環
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Wide Legged Forward Bend icon

Prasarita Padottanasana ABCD

Wide Legged Forward Bend

Skill Level
  • The muscles inside and outside the legs and the soles of the feet are stretched so that they can be used well
  • Improved blood circulation to the upper body and head
  • Increased digestion
  • People who can't do Sirsasana (headstand) should start with this pose.
  • Effective in reducing weight
  • 脚の内外側の筋肉、足の裏が伸ばされ上手く使える ようになる
  • 上体、頭部への血行が良くなる
  • 消化機能が増進
  • 頭スッキリSirsasana(ヘットスタンド)が出来ない人はこのポーズから始めるのが良い
  • 体重を減らす効果あり
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Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose icon

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose

Skill Level

If the adductor muscles are skipped, the pelvic plate muscles cannot be supported and the pelvis will loosen and become unstable. By using the adductor muscles that support the pelvis from the front and back, the pelvic plate muscles (group) that supports the internal organs at the bottom of the pelvis can also be supported. The pelvis is aligned by the connection from the adductor muscles to the pelvic plate muscles.

Once the pelvis is in place, the internal organs align. When the internal organs are in place, the lower abdomen will be tightened, the muscles of the legs will be strengthened, and you'll acquire increased stability and flexibility. It trains the deep muscles around the waist, especially the inner muscles and "psoas major muscle" that connects the spine and femur.

内転筋をサボっていると骨盤底筋をサポートできず、 骨盤が緩み安定しません。前後から骨盤を支えている 内転筋を使うと、骨盤の底で内臓を支える骨盤底筋 (群)の働きをもサポートでき内転筋→骨盤底筋への 連結により、骨盤が整います。


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Tree Pose icon


Tree Pose

Skill Level
  • Develop muscles in both legs to improve balance
  • Pelvic distortion adjustment, posture improvement
  • Tightening the second arm
  • Spine, nervous system, and strengthening
  • Improves concentration and calms the balance between mind and body
  • 両足の筋肉を整えて平衡感覚を発達させる
  • 骨盤の歪み調整、姿勢の改善
  • 二の腕の引き締め
  • 背骨、神経系と強化
  • 集中力が向上し、心と体のバランスが落ち着きます
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Garland Pose icon


Garland Pose

Skill Level
  • Trains muscles by the pelvis and pelvic plate muscle
  • Posture improvement, shape up effect around the stomach
  • Good for menstrual pain, gynecological problems, and constipation
  • Strengthen/stretches the ankles, hips, back & shoulders
  • Helps expel what should be discharged from the body. Stimulates the digestive tract and raising metabolism. Effective when you eat too much or drink too much.
  • 骨盤周りの筋肉、骨盤底筋を鍛える
  • 姿勢改善、お腹周りのシェイプアップ効果
  • 生理痛、婦人科系の不調、便秘解消
  • 足首、股関節、背中、肩のストレッチ強化
  • 体外に排出されるべきものを出しやすくしてくれるほか、消化器官を刺激し 基礎代謝を上げる効果が あり、食べ過ぎ飲み過ぎてしまった時に効果的
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Intense Three-Limb Stretch icon

Tryangamukhaikapada Pascimottanasana

Intense Three-Limb Stretch

Skill Level
  • Strengthen and corrects muscles in the abdomen, waist, and legs
  • Activates abdominal organs, digestive disorders and gastrointestinal disorders
  • Stretch of the front side of the thigh (quadriceps), hamstrings, greater gluteus, hip internal rotation
  • Intestinal psoas muscle strengthening (also called “deep abdominal muscles” plays a very important role in exercise)
  • Strengthen back muscles and spinal cord
  • 腹部、腰、脚の筋肉強化し矯正する
  • 腹部臓器を活性化し、消化器疾患や胃腸障害
  • 太ももの前側(大腿四頭筋)、ハムストリング、大臀筋、股関節内旋のストレッチ
  • 腸腰筋強化(「深腹筋」とも呼ばれ運動に非常に重要な働きをしている)
  • 背中の筋肉と脊髄を強化
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Marichi Pose B icon

Maricyasana B

Marichi Pose B

Skill Level
  • Tliopsoas strengthening (hip flexion)
  • Gluteus maximus stretch
  • Increased flexibility of the anterior thigh (quadriceps)
  • Increased flexibility of opening the shoulder joint and improved stiff shoulders
  • Relief of back pain
  • Keeps the spine healthy and flexible. It also stimulates and strengthens the ribs and muscles around the back which improves your posture and breathing
  • Massage the abdomen to help activate and excrete the digestive system
  • Increased flexibility of hip external rotation, increased flexibility of knee joints and ankles Deepen Lotus Pose (cross leg)
  • 腸腰筋強化(股関節屈曲)
  • 大臀筋ストレッチ
  • 太もも前側(大腿四頭筋)の柔軟性UP
  • 肩関節を開きの柔軟性UP、肩こりの改善
  • 腰痛の緩和
  • 背骨の健康で柔軟に保ち肋骨と背中の周りの筋肉を刺激して強化して姿勢と呼吸を改善する
  • 腹部をマッサージし、消化器系の活性化と排泄を助ける
  • 股関節外旋の柔軟性UP・膝関節・足首の柔軟性を高めLotus Pose(cross leg)を深める
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An icon of the ardha-matsyendrasana pose

Ardha Matsyendrasana

Half Spinal Twist Pose

Skill Level
  • Good for the sciatic nerve
  • Very useful for diabetes
  • Loosen back and shoulder stiffness
  • Activates abdominal organs
  • Reduces ankle, knee, waist and shoulder stiffness
  • 坐骨神経に良い
  • 糖尿病に非常に役立つ
  • 背中、肩のコリをほぐす
  • 腹部臓器を活性化する
  • 足首、膝、腰、肩の硬直を軽減
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Bow Pose icon


Bow Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthen abdominal organs
  • Eliminate indigestion and constipation
  • Activating circulation of the head through the pelvic region
  • Improve shoulder flexibility and strengthen knee and back
  • Effective for respiratory system
  • 腹部臓器を強化する
  • 消化不良、便秘を解消
  • 骨盤領域、頭部の循環活性化
  • 肩の柔軟性を向上させ膝と背中強化
  • 呼吸器系に効果
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Happy Baby icon

Ananda Balasana

Happy Baby

Skill Level
  • Highly stretchable poses for hip joints, buttocks, gluteal muscles, and back of thighs
  • Waist, spine, back stretch
  • Relaxing the whole body and improving blood circulation in the lower body has the effect of relieving stress and fatigue, and is a recommended pose before going to bed at night
  • Improve lymphatic flow and condition the pelvis and cervical spine
  • Activates the function of internal organs and helps to improve constipation, menstrual pain, back pain, coldness, etc., and eliminate swelling.
  • 股関節、お尻、臀筋、太ももの裏ハムストリングスのストレッチ効果の高いポーズ
  • 腰、背骨、背中のストレッチ
  • 全身をリラックスさせて下半身の血行をよくすることで、ストレス、疲労回復効果があり夜寝る前におすすめのポーズ
  • リンパの流れを改善したり骨盤や頚椎を整える
  • 内臓の働きを活性化し便秘、生理痛、腰痛、冷えなどの改善、むくみの解消にも役立つ