Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend
- Stretches the hip joints, hamstrings, calves, knees, inner leg, buttocks, abductor, and back.
- Loosens, adds flexibility, and range of motion.
- Abdominal tissue activation, kidney detoxification
- Stretch your back muscles and strengthens your spine
- 股関節、ハムストリング、ふくらはぎ、膝、脚の内側と裏側のストレッチ
- 鼠蹊部(脚の付け根)、内転筋伸ばして緩め柔軟性と可動域の拡大
- 腹部組織の活性化、腎臓の解毒
- 背中の筋肉を伸ばし、背骨を強化
Lord of the Dance Pose
- Tighten and beautify your back
- Develop a sense of balance and makes your body movement beautiful
- Strengthen and tone leg muscles and ankle
- Stimulate and improve function in your shoulders, ribs, and spinal cord
- Stretches your shoulders, chest, thighs, hip joint, and abdomen
- Gluteal muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings
- 背中を引き締めキレイな後姿を作ってくれる
- バランス感覚を発達させ身のこなしを綺麗にする
- 脚の筋肉、足首調子を整え強化する
- 肩胛骨(けんこうこつ)、脊髄(せきずい)全体を刺激し機能が増進
- 肩、胸、太腿、鼠蹊部(そけいぶ)、腹部のストレッチ
- 臀筋、大腿四頭筋、ハムストリングス
Intense side stretch
- Removes muscle stiffness in the legs, buttocks, hips and hamstring. It also helps with leg tightening, strengthening and flexibility
- The internal organs are contracted, activated, and the condition is adjusted
- Improve stiff shoulders, stoops, and posture
- When the pose is done correctly, the shoulders are pulled back enough to facilitate deep breathing
- Blood circulation from heart to head
- 足と尻の筋肉のこりを取り除き 股関節ハムストリ ング、脚の引締め強化柔軟にする
- 内臓を収縮させ活性化し調子が整う
- 肩こり、猫背、姿勢の改善
- 正しいポーズでは 肩が十分に後へ引き上げられるので 深い呼吸が容易になる
- 心臓から頭へ血液の循環
Prasarita Padottanasana ABCD
Wide Legged Forward Bend
- The muscles inside and outside the legs and the soles of the feet are stretched so that they can be used well
- Improved blood circulation to the upper body and head
- Increased digestion
- People who can't do Sirsasana (headstand) should start with this pose.
- Effective in reducing weight
- 脚の内外側の筋肉、足の裏が伸ばされ上手く使える ようになる
- 上体、頭部への血行が良くなる
- 消化機能が増進
- 頭スッキリSirsasana(ヘットスタンド)が出来ない人はこのポーズから始めるのが良い
- 体重を減らす効果あり
Parsva Candrasana
Standing Crescent Moon Pose
- Every time you take a deep breath, fresh oxygen is sent inside your body so the space between the ribs expands. Your whole body is activated and dullness is reduced.
- Stretches the sides of the body (internal oblique, external oblique) and muscles between the ribs. It feels good because you don't often have a chance to stretch up and down.
- Dullness in your legs is reduced since the sides of the entire leg are stretched.
- Stiff shoulders and back pain are improved.
- Activation of liver function.
- Stretches your arms.
- 深い呼吸をするたびに、体側に新鮮な酸素が送り込まれるので、肋骨と肋骨の間が広がり、全身が活性化され、だるさが軽減される
- 体の側面(内腹斜筋、外腹斜筋)を伸ばして、肋骨の間の筋肉をストレッチします。身体の側面は、なかなか上下に伸ばす機会がないのでとても良い
- 脚全体の側面も伸ばすので、脚のだるさも軽減される
- 肩こり、腰痛が改善
- 肝臓機能の活性化
- 腕のストレッチ
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Half Spinal Twist Pose
- Good for the sciatic nerve
- Very useful for diabetes
- Loosen back and shoulder stiffness
- Activates abdominal organs
- Reduces ankle, knee, waist and shoulder stiffness
- 坐骨神経に良い
- 糖尿病に非常に役立つ
- 背中、肩のコリをほぐす
- 腹部臓器を活性化する
- 足首、膝、腰、肩の硬直を軽減
Cow Face Pose
- Adjusts your left and right balance
- Flexibility around shoulders and increased range of motion, tightening of second arm
- Helps lower back pain, stiff shoulders, sciatica
- Increase the flexibility of the hip joint and the outside of the thigh
- Useful for pelvic adjustment by stretching around the pelvis
- 左右のバランスを整える
- 肩周りの柔軟性と可動域の拡大、二の腕の引き締め
- 腰痛、肩こり、座骨神経痛
- 股関節、太ももの外側の柔軟性を高める
- 骨盤まわりをストレッチすることで骨盤調整に役立つ
Salamba Bhujangasana
Sphinx Pose
- Strengthens the spine and tightens the back muscles
- Tightens the buttocks
- Prevents low back pain and strengthens the brachial muscles
- Opens your back, chest, lungs, shoulders, spine and abdomen. Increases vitality, stimulates & activates the abdominal organs, and reduces stress
- Fatigue recovery and relaxation
- 背骨、背筋の強化、背中の引き締め
- 臀部の引き締め
- 腰痛予防・改善、上腕筋の強化
- 背中、胸、肺、肩、背すじと腹部を開きます。活力を上げ、腹部臓器を刺激、活性化しストレスを軽減する
- 疲労回復リラックス