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An icon for the Sucirandhrasana Pose


Eye of the Needle Pose

Skill Level

It stretches the muscles around the buttocks, hamstrings, and hips. If your hips are stiff, it can cause back pain and poor metabolism. In particular, the outside of the buttocks, which is rarely stretched, is comfortably stretched, which promotes blood circulation in the lower body and relieves fatigue of the whole body.

It is also effective for lower body stiffness and lower back pain, and is recommended for people who have a lot of desk work.

  • Stretches your lower back to prevent, eliminate, and adjust your pelvis
  • Loosens the hips and stretch the buttocks
  • Relaxes
  • Improves sensitivity to cold and eliminates swelling



  • 腰を伸ばし腰痛の予防、解消、骨盤調整
  • 股関節をほぐしてお尻をストレッチ
  • リラックス
  • 冷え性改善、むくみの解消