April 4, 2024 - May 1, 2024

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Lotus Pose icon


Lotus Pose

Skill Level
  • It is easy to sit for a long time in this position. Until you get used to sitting like this, your legs will be squeezed when you cross your legs. If you can loosen your joints, you can sit deeply, the cross points will loosen, and the legs will touch the groin. It won’t come in contact with the floor so you won’t feel tired sitting like this for a long time.
  • Keeps the spine strong and active
  • The waist, pelvis, hip joints, knees, and ankles need to be flexible. The blood flow, lymph flow, and meridian flow in the lower part of the body are improved. It corrects pelvic distortion and improves the function of internal organs and bladder. It is also effective for swelling and coldness. In the old teachings of hatha yoga, it is said that “all illnesses are cured”.
  • シンプルに長時間坐りやすい(慣れるまでは脚をクロスしているところで圧迫されてしまって足がしびれますが、関節がほぐれ深く組めるようになればクロスしているところはゆるみ、足は鼠径部に置かれ足首などが圧迫されずしびれなくなる。床と接触しないので長時間坐っていても痛くなったり、疲れを感じなくなる)
  • 背骨を強くアクティブに保ちます
  • 腰、骨盤、股関節、膝、足首、の柔軟性が高まり、鼠径部〜下半身の血行やリンパの流れ、経絡の流れを改善します。骨盤の歪みを整え、内臓や膀胱の働きも高めます。むくみや冷え性にも効果的です。ハタヨガの古い教典では「全ての病気を治す」とまで言われています
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Warrior I icon

Virabhadrasana I

Warrior I

Skill Level
  • Pelvic correction, pelvic plate muscle, rectus abdominis muscle strengthening
  • Make your hips, knees and ankles flexible
  • Open hips, stretch back, tighten and strengthen leg muscles
  • Strong effect on hamstrings
  • Improvement of stiff shoulders
  • 骨盤矯正、骨盤底筋、腹直筋の強化
  • お尻、膝、足首を柔軟にする
  • 股関節を開き、背中を伸ばし、脚の筋肉を引締め強化する
  • ハムストリングに強く作用
  • 肩こりの改善
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Chair Pose icon


Chair Pose

Skill Level
  • Stretches the back to remove stiff shoulders
  • Effective in correcting mild foot distortion
  • Lifts the diaphragm and the chest is widened which develops the pectoral muscle.
  • Stabilizes and strengthens the trunk, entire leg, and waist
  • Helps regain a sense of stability in the waist. Sends heat to sooth and warm the nerve flow (the back has one of the autonomic nerves, the para-switching nerve, that turns on the relaxation switch)
  • 肩のこりを取り背中のストレッチ
  • 軽度の足の歪みの矯正に効果
  • 横隔膜が引き上げられ、胸が十分広げられるので胸筋も発達する
  • 体幹部、脚全体、腰を安定させ強化する
  • 腰に安定感を取り戻し、熱を送って神経の流れをスムーズにし温める(腰には自律神経のひとつ、リラックスのスイッチをオンにする副交換神経が流れている)
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Intense Three-Limb Stretch icon

Tryangamukhaikapada Pascimottanasana

Intense Three-Limb Stretch

Skill Level
  • Strengthen and corrects muscles in the abdomen, waist, and legs
  • Activates abdominal organs, digestive disorders and gastrointestinal disorders
  • Stretch of the front side of the thigh (quadriceps), hamstrings, greater gluteus, hip internal rotation
  • Intestinal psoas muscle strengthening (also called “deep abdominal muscles” plays a very important role in exercise)
  • Strengthen back muscles and spinal cord
  • 腹部、腰、脚の筋肉強化し矯正する
  • 腹部臓器を活性化し、消化器疾患や胃腸障害
  • 太ももの前側(大腿四頭筋)、ハムストリング、大臀筋、股関節内旋のストレッチ
  • 腸腰筋強化(「深腹筋」とも呼ばれ運動に非常に重要な働きをしている)
  • 背中の筋肉と脊髄を強化
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An icon of the ardha-matsyendrasana pose

Ardha Matsyendrasana

Half Spinal Twist Pose

Skill Level
  • Good for the sciatic nerve
  • Very useful for diabetes
  • Loosen back and shoulder stiffness
  • Activates abdominal organs
  • Reduces ankle, knee, waist and shoulder stiffness
  • 坐骨神経に良い
  • 糖尿病に非常に役立つ
  • 背中、肩のコリをほぐす
  • 腹部臓器を活性化する
  • 足首、膝、腰、肩の硬直を軽減
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Cow Face Pose icon


Cow Face Pose

Skill Level
  • Adjusts your left and right balance
  • Flexibility around shoulders and increased range of motion, tightening of second arm
  • Helps lower back pain, stiff shoulders, sciatica
  • Increase the flexibility of the hip joint and the outside of the thigh
  • Useful for pelvic adjustment by stretching around the pelvis
  • 左右のバランスを整える
  • 肩周りの柔軟性と可動域の拡大、二の腕の引き締め
  • 腰痛、肩こり、座骨神経痛
  • 股関節、太ももの外側の柔軟性を高める
  • 骨盤まわりをストレッチすることで骨盤調整に役立つ
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Icon for agnistambhasana


Square Pose

Skill Level
  • External rotation of the hip joint The meridians that mainly pass through the sides of the thighs are stretched to improve flexibility and loosen the discipline of the buttocks.
  • Strengthening the inner muscle of the abdomen and the pelvic plate muscles
  • Improvement of X-leg and O-leg If it is X-leg or O-leg, the movement of the hip joint will be restricted, so adjust the direction of the knee to correct it.
  • Use gravity to move the hip joint powerfully, and pose effectively for adjusting pelvic strain.
  • Relieve Cold sensitivity and adjust posture
  • 股関節外旋股主に太ももの側面を通っている経絡をストレッチされ柔軟性がUPしお尻の懲りをほぐす
  • お腹のインナーマッスル, 骨盤底筋の強化の強化
  • X脚・O脚の改善 X脚やO脚になっていると、股関節の動きが制限されてしまいますので、それを直すような方向へ膝の向きを調整
  • 重力を使って股関節を強力に動かし、骨盤歪み調整に効果的なポーズ
  • 冷え解消、姿勢を整える
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Bow Pose icon


Bow Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthen abdominal organs
  • Eliminate indigestion and constipation
  • Activating circulation of the head through the pelvic region
  • Improve shoulder flexibility and strengthen knee and back
  • Effective for respiratory system
  • 腹部臓器を強化する
  • 消化不良、便秘を解消
  • 骨盤領域、頭部の循環活性化
  • 肩の柔軟性を向上させ膝と背中強化
  • 呼吸器系に効果
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Happy Baby icon

Ananda Balasana

Happy Baby

Skill Level
  • Highly stretchable poses for hip joints, buttocks, gluteal muscles, and back of thighs
  • Waist, spine, back stretch
  • Relaxing the whole body and improving blood circulation in the lower body has the effect of relieving stress and fatigue, and is a recommended pose before going to bed at night
  • Improve lymphatic flow and condition the pelvis and cervical spine
  • Activates the function of internal organs and helps to improve constipation, menstrual pain, back pain, coldness, etc., and eliminate swelling.
  • 股関節、お尻、臀筋、太ももの裏ハムストリングスのストレッチ効果の高いポーズ
  • 腰、背骨、背中のストレッチ
  • 全身をリラックスさせて下半身の血行をよくすることで、ストレス、疲労回復効果があり夜寝る前におすすめのポーズ
  • リンパの流れを改善したり骨盤や頚椎を整える
  • 内臓の働きを活性化し便秘、生理痛、腰痛、冷えなどの改善、むくみの解消にも役立つ