August 1, 2024 - September 4, 2024

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Eagle Pose


Eagle Pose

Skill Level
  • Loosens shoulder blades and helps with stiff shoulders
  • Straightens left and right distortion
  • Strengthens limbs, joint strengthening
  • Tightens the upper arm, buttocks, and legs
  • Strengthens the ankle
  • 肩甲骨をほぐし、肩こりを治す
  • 左右の歪み整える
  • 手足の筋力、関節強化
  • 二の腕、お尻、脚を引き締める
  • 足首の力を強める
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Wide Legged Forward Bend icon

Prasarita Padottanasana ABCD

Wide Legged Forward Bend

Skill Level
  • The muscles inside and outside the legs and the soles of the feet are stretched so that they can be used well
  • Improved blood circulation to the upper body and head
  • Increased digestion
  • People who can't do Sirsasana (headstand) should start with this pose.
  • Effective in reducing weight
  • 脚の内外側の筋肉、足の裏が伸ばされ上手く使える ようになる
  • 上体、頭部への血行が良くなる
  • 消化機能が増進
  • 頭スッキリSirsasana(ヘットスタンド)が出来ない人はこのポーズから始めるのが良い
  • 体重を減らす効果あり
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Low Lunge pose


Low Lunge

Skill Level
  • Increased blood and lymph flow makes you feel less fatigued. It has a detox effect.
  • Makes you more flexible, stable, and strengthens your muscles from your thighs all the way to the back of your neck.
  • This pose opens your whole body. Various parts are stretched and you’ll be able to hold poses longer.
  • A good pose for women’s health
  • 全身の血液やリンパ液の流れを促進し疲労回復デトックス効果
  • 股関節をはじめとする、太モモ、そけい部(脚のつけ根)、骨盤、腰椎、ヒップ、腹部、胸、肺、脇の下、 肩、首背中などの可動域や柔軟性、筋力の向上ゆがみの改善ひきしめ安定させる
  • 全身を大きく開くポーズです。様々な箇所が伸ばされ、かつ、ホールドするための筋力が鍛えられる
  • 婦人系の不調改善
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Hold The Big Toe Pose icon


Hold The Big Toe Pose

Skill Level
  • Hamstring, the back of the thighs, the greater ankle, and back stretch
  • Helps with stiff shoulders, back pain, and posture improvement
  • Metabolic UP / Detox Constipation
  • In this reversed posture, blood is collected in the head, the brain is activated, blood circulation is promoted, and detox stress is eliminated
  • Builds tone and digestive juices are secreted
  • ハムストリング、太モモの裏、大臀筋、背中のストレッチ
  • 肩こり、腰痛、姿勢改善
  • 代謝UP、デトックス、便秘
  • 逆転の姿勢で血液を頭部に集め、脳を活性化血行促進し、デトックスストレス解消
  • 内蔵の調子が整い消化液の分泌される
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Half Spinal Twist Pose icon


Half Spinal Twist Pose

Skill Level
  • Sciatica
  • Very useful against diabetes
  • Activates the abdominal organs
  • Reduces ankle, knee, waist and shoulder stiffness
  • Improve shoulder and back stiffness
  • 坐骨神経痛
  • 糖尿病に非常に役立ちま
  • 腹部の臓器を活性化します
  • 足首、膝、腰、肩の硬直を軽減
  • 肩、背中のコリ改善
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An icon for Krauncasana


Heron Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthens the back and abdomen
  • Abdominal tissue and heart activation
  • Body adjustment
  • Improved ankle, knee, waist and shoulder flexibility
  • Thigh peach hamstring, back of knees, calf muscles are stretched to soften the hip joint
  • 背中と腹部を強化する
  • 腹部組織と心臓の活性化
  • 身体調整
  • 足首、膝、腰、肩の柔軟性を向上
  • 太モモハムストリング、ひざ裏、ふくらはぎの筋肉を伸ばして股関節を柔らかくする
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Bridge Pose icon


Bridge Pose

Skill Level
  • Improve indigestion and constipation, strengthens abdominal organs
  • Effective for pelvic floor muscle training
  • Improves shoulder, knee and back flexibility
  • Good for the respiratory system
  • Activates head circulation
  • 消化不良および便秘改善、腹部器官を強化する
  • 骨盤底筋のトレーニングに効果
  • 肩、膝と背中の柔軟性を向上
  • 呼吸器系に良い
  • 頭部の循環を活性化
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Banana Pose icon


Banana Pose

Skill Level
  • Stretch the side of the body that easily shrinks
  • Stretching the side of your body stimulates the meridians of the bile and liver which leads to the detoxification. Bile is the fluid needed to digest fat
  • Firmly stretches your body, flanks, ribs, armpits, and especially your waist
  • Normally, even if the body side is twisted, it rarely stretched up and down. Effective for preventing back pain, correcting pelvic strain, and improving posture
  • 縮みやすい体側を伸ばす
  • 体側伸ばしは、デトックスにも効果的、体側をストレッチすることで、胆のう&肝臓の経絡を刺激してデトックスにつながる胆汁は脂肪を消化するのに必要な液体
  • しっかりと、体側、脇腹、肋骨、脇の下、特にウエストが伸ばされる
  • 普段、体側ってねじることはあっても上下に伸びることが少なく腰痛予防や、骨盤の歪みの矯正、姿勢改善にも効果的