July 4, 2024 - July 31, 2024

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Downward Facing Dog Pose icon

Adhomukha Shvanasana

Downward Facing Dog Pose

Skill Level
  • It has good effects on the whole body, such as improvement of high blood pressure/hypotension, relief of joint and feet pain and stiffness, relieves stiffness around shoulder blades and arthritis of shoulders, and balances the mind and body which reduces stress.
  • By balancing the whole body with hands and feet, you can develop a sense of balance at every point, such as limbs and arms, pelvis and waist, shoulders, and back muscles.
  • You can exercise moderately on areas of concern such as your upper arms, chest, thighs, and buttocks.
  • People who still can't do a headstand can expect a similar effects with this pose (the head and upper body are lowered, upper body can be fully stretched and can be well-circulated without straining the heart.)
  • 高血圧/低血圧の改善、関節や足の痛み・こりの緩和、肩甲骨周辺のこりや肩の関節炎の緩和など、全身に良い効果をもたらし、心身のバランスを整え、ストレスを軽減してくれる
  • 手と足で全身のバランスを取ることで、手足や腕、骨盤や腰、肩や背中、背筋など、体のあらゆるポイントのバランス感覚が養える
  • 二の腕・胸・太もも・お尻といった気になる部分にも適度なエクササイズになるので、継続して行うことで体のシェイプアップ効果も期待できる
  • ヘッドスタンドがまだできない人も、このポーズでほぼ同様の効果が期待できます。(頭と上半身を下げるので、上体を十分に伸ばしながら心臓に負担なく、上半身の血行を良くすることができる)
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Extended Triangle Pose icon


Triangle Pose

Skill Level
  • Stretches the side muscles that are rarely stretched in daily life, so the right and left balance distortion is adjusted.
  • Strengthen the back, spine, spinal cord, shoulders, legs, calves and muscles
  • Stimulate the internal organs to eliminate constipation
  • Reinforced “abdominal oblique muscles” around the flank
  • Increase metabolism, improves fatigue
  • 日常生活で伸ばす機会の少ない側面の筋肉をストレッチするので、左右のバランス歪みを整える
  • 背中、背骨、脊髄、肩、脚、ふくらはぎの筋肉を整え強化
  • 内臓を刺激して便秘解消
  • 脇腹の周辺にある「腹斜筋群」を強化ウエストラインの引締め
  • 代謝UP、疲労改善
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Airplane Pose icon


Airplane Pose

Skill Level
  • Improves leg strength and flexibility of the back muscles and spine
  • Improves flexibility of pelvic muscles
  • Activates the nervous system
  • Strengthens the ankle joints
  • Improves balance and concentration
  • 背中の筋肉と脊椎の脚の強度と柔軟性を向上
  • 骨盤の筋肉の柔軟性を改善
  • 神経系を活性化
  • 足首関節を強化
  • バランスと集中力を向上
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Head-to-Knee Forward Bend Pose icon

Janu Sirsasana

Head-to-Knee Forward Bend Pose

Skill Level
  • Stimulates the liver, kidneys and enhances digestive function
  • Relieves high blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, headache, and menstrual discomfort
  • Ankle, knee, hamstring, buttocks, buttocks, shoulder, and back extension
  • Makes the hip joints flexible
  • Trunk strengthening, sciatica
  • 肝臓、腎臓を刺激し、消化機能を高める
  • 高血圧、不眠症、不安、疲労、頭痛、月経不快感を和らげます
  • 足首、ヒザ、ハムストリング、お尻、臀部、肩、背中を伸ばす
  • 股関節を柔軟にする
  • 体幹強化、坐骨神経痛
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Sage Twist icon


Sage Twist

Skill Level
  • Tones the core and stretches and strengthens the spinal muscles to increase shoulder flexibility
  • Tightens the waist and stomach, increases the visceral function, and improves digestion
  • Makes your lower body flexible and relieve tension on the sides of your buttocks
  • Spine and pelvic strain adjustment, sciatica
  • Stretches your spine comfortably in a spiral deep twist.
  • コアの調子を整え脊椎の筋肉を伸ばして強化し、肩の柔軟性を高める
  • ウエスト、お腹の引き締め内臓機能を高め消化を改善する
  • 下半身を柔軟にし、お尻の側面の緊張をほぐす
  • 背骨、骨盤の歪み調整、坐骨神経痛の緩和
  • 背骨をスパイラル状に深くツイストのできる気持ちよくストレッチするポーズです
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One-legged Pigeon pose icon


Pigeon pose

Skill Level
  • One of the best hip opening asanas. Increases lumbar flexibility
  • Stretch the glutes
  • Increases hamstring flexibility
  • Improve back pain
  • 股関節を開くのにとても良いポーズの一つ腰部の柔軟性を高める
  • 大臀筋を伸ばす
  • ハムストリングの柔軟性を強化
  • 背中の痛みを改善する