June 6, 2024 - July 3, 2024

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Warrior I icon

Virabhadrasana I

Warrior I

Skill Level
  • Pelvic correction, pelvic plate muscle, rectus abdominis muscle strengthening
  • Make your hips, knees and ankles flexible
  • Open hips, stretch back, tighten and strengthen leg muscles
  • Strong effect on hamstrings
  • Improvement of stiff shoulders
  • 骨盤矯正、骨盤底筋、腹直筋の強化
  • お尻、膝、足首を柔軟にする
  • 股関節を開き、背中を伸ばし、脚の筋肉を引締め強化する
  • ハムストリングに強く作用
  • 肩こりの改善
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Warrior II icon

Virabhadrasana II

Warrior II

Skill Level
  • Shapes and strengthens your legs & back which improves stability and flexibility
  • Preparation for advanced forward bending poses
  • Relieves stiffness in neck, shoulders, and upper back
  • Increases lung capacity and keeps the internal organs in good condition
  • Strengthens the nervous system and spinal cord
  • 足と背中を整形して強化し、安定性と柔軟性を向上
  • 高度な前屈ポーズの準備
  • 首、肩、背中のこわばりを軽減
  • 肺容量を増加させ、内臓を良好な状態に保つ
  • 神経系と脊髄を強化
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Reverse Warrior icon

Viparita Virabhadrasana

Reverse Warrior

Skill Level
  • Strengthen and stretch legs, groin, waist, shoulders, arms, and sides.
  • Improves flexibility of spine, inner thigh, ankle and chest
  • Deep stretch the torso
  • Increases systemic blood flow
  • Regular practice of this pose will strengthen the core and help reduce back pain
  • 脚、脚の付け根、腰、肩、腕、腰の側面を強化し、伸ばす
  • 脊椎、内モモ、足首、胸部の柔軟性を向上
  • 胴体への深いストレッチ
  • 全身の血流を増加
  • このポーズを定期的に練習すると、コアが強化し腰痛の緩和に役立つ
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Garland Pose icon


Garland Pose

Skill Level
  • Trains muscles by the pelvis and pelvic plate muscle
  • Posture improvement, shape up effect around the stomach
  • Good for menstrual pain, gynecological problems, and constipation
  • Strengthen/stretches the ankles, hips, back & shoulders
  • Helps expel what should be discharged from the body. Stimulates the digestive tract and raising metabolism. Effective when you eat too much or drink too much.
  • 骨盤周りの筋肉、骨盤底筋を鍛える
  • 姿勢改善、お腹周りのシェイプアップ効果
  • 生理痛、婦人科系の不調、便秘解消
  • 足首、股関節、背中、肩のストレッチ強化
  • 体外に排出されるべきものを出しやすくしてくれるほか、消化器官を刺激し 基礎代謝を上げる効果が あり、食べ過ぎ飲み過ぎてしまった時に効果的
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Revolved Head To Knee Pose icon

Parivritta Janu Sirsasana

Revolved Head To Knee Pose

Skill Level
  • Relaxes the muscles around the ribs and deepens breathing.
  • Enhances hip joint flexibility and outer rotation.
  • Relieves stiff shoulders and back pain.
  • Stretches the spine, spinal cord, shoulders, buttocks, hamstring stretch liver and kidney. This improves digestive function and activates the abdominal tissues.
  • A very comfortable pose that restores the original degree of freedom by adding a complex stretch to the spine.
  • 肋骨周りの筋肉を緩め呼吸を深める
  • 股関節を外回しする柔軟性強化
  • 肩こり腰痛の緩和
  • 背骨、脊髄、肩、お尻、ハムストリングスのストレッチ肝臓や腎臓など腹部組織の活性化・消化機能の改善
  • 固まった現代人の背骨に複雑なストレッチを加えて、本来の自由度を取り戻させてくれる、とても気持ち良いポーズ
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Tortoise Pose icon


Tortoise Pose

Skill Level
  • Calming and relaxing after a busy day
  • Releases stress and refreshes
  • Improves pelvis and hip strain, improves flexibility, prevents and relieves back pain because you can stretch your waist that is shrinking and stiff
  • Smooths blood circulation to the abdomen, lower back, and back. Also prevents swelling, constipation, improves coldness, and relieves menstrual pain.
  • Trains your pelvic plate muscles
  • When you want to get a deep sleep in a relaxed state, breathe deeply before going to bed to improve sleep quality. Even works on nights when you can't sleep
  • 忙しかった1日の後などに心を落ち着かせリラックスさせる効果
  • ストレスリリース、リフレッシュ効果
  • 縮んで凝り固まっている腰をストレッチすることができるので骨盤や股関節の歪みが改善され柔軟性UP、腰痛予防、緩和
  • 腹部や腰、背中への血液循環がスムーズになるので、むくみ予防、便秘、冷えの改善、生理痛の緩和になる
  • 骨盤底筋を鍛える
  • 眠れない夜にも◎リラックスした状態で深い眠りにつきたい時寝る前に深い呼吸をしながらやると睡眠の質が向上する
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Wind Relieving Pose icon

Pavana Muktasana

Wind Relieving Pose

Skill Level
  • The pressure from this pose helps relieve gas in the internal organs and eliminate constipation
  • Stimulates and activates the internal organs by compressing the body
  • Lumbar stretched, mild back pain and fatigue recovery
  • Strengthens the neck muscles, abdominal muscles, and shapes up the stomach
  • Correction of the pelvis and spine
  • 内臓を圧迫刺激ガスが溜まったことでの膨満感、便秘解消、整腸効果し活性化する
  • 腰部が伸ばされ、軽い腰痛や疲れの回復
  • 首の筋肉の強化、腹筋を強化、お腹回りのシェイプアップ
  • 骨盤、背骨の矯正