May 1, 2024 - June 5, 2024

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Intense side stretch icon


Intense side stretch

Skill Level
  • Removes muscle stiffness in the legs, buttocks, hips and hamstring. It also helps with leg tightening, strengthening and flexibility
  • The internal organs are contracted, activated, and the condition is adjusted
  • Improve stiff shoulders, stoops, and posture
  • When the pose is done correctly, the shoulders are pulled back enough to facilitate deep breathing
  • Blood circulation from heart to head
  • 足と尻の筋肉のこりを取り除き 股関節ハムストリ ング、脚の引締め強化柔軟にする
  • 内臓を収縮させ活性化し調子が整う
  • 肩こり、猫背、姿勢の改善
  • 正しいポーズでは 肩が十分に後へ引き上げられるので 深い呼吸が容易になる
  • 心臓から頭へ血液の循環
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Revolved Triangle Pose icon

Parivritha Trikonasana

Revolved Triangle Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthen buttocks, thighs, and calf muscles
  • Improves spinal and back muscle function by improving spinal circulation
  • The twist stimulates and activates the internal and digestive organs.
  • Continued practice is effective in tightening around the stomach
  • Improve balance and prepare for other twist poses
  • 尻、もも、ふくらはぎの筋肉を強め整える
  • 脊椎(せきつい)血行が良くなり背骨および背中の筋肉の機能を整える
  • ツイストによって、内臓、消化器官に刺激を与え、活性化します
  • 継続して練習することでお腹周りの引き締めに効果あり
  • バランス感覚向上、他のツイストポーズの準備
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Revolved chair pose icon

Parivritha Utkatasana

Revolved Chair Pose

Skill Level
  • Tightens the shin, inner thigh, and calf muscles
  • Creates waist constriction
  • Tightens the spine and lower back by adjusting the distortion of the entire body
  • By twisting the body, the internal organs are stimulated. The blood flow is lightly compressed in the internal organs and when the twist is restored it flows out all at once. The blood flow improves and the internal organs are worked.
  • スネ、内モモ、ふくらはぎの引き締め
  • ウエストを引き締めくびれを作る
  • 背骨、腰を柔軟にし体全体のゆがみを調整し引き締める
  • 体を捻ることで内臓が刺激され、捻りを戻す際に軽 く圧迫されていた内臓の血流が一気に流れるので、 血流が良くなり、内臓の働きが良くなる。
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Half Bound Lotus Forward Fold

Ardha Baddha Padma Pada Pascimottanasana

Half Bound Lotus Forward Fold

Skill Level
  • Improves shoulder, waist, hip joint, thigh, back, knee, and ankle flexibility
  • Increases internal function
  • Strengthens the lower abdomen
  • Eliminates constipation
  • The chest is strongly stretched, effective in eliminating stooping
  • 肩、腰、股関節、もも裏、膝、足首の柔軟性を向上させる
  • 内臓機能を高める
  • 下腹部を強化
  • 便秘を解消
  • 胸が強くストレッチされ、猫背の改善に有効
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Half Splits Pose icon

Ardha Hanumanasana

Half Splits Pose

Skill Level
  • Pelvic strain adjustment
  • Increases flexibility of the ham strings and calf muscles on the back of the thigh
  • Strengthening the inner muscle of the abdomen
  • Stretch back muscles
  • Eliminates swelling of the legs
  • Promote blood circulation
  • Sitting for long periods of time in bad posture can cause pelvic distortion, coldness, and swelling. If you continue to work at your desk, you may want to refresh yourself with this pose once in a while.
  • 骨盤の歪み調整
  • もも裏ハムストリングス、ふくらはぎの筋肉の柔軟性UP
  • お腹のインナーマッスルの強化
  • 背中の筋肉のストレッチ
  • 足のむくみ解消
  • 血行促進
  • 姿勢の悪い状態で長時間座っていると、骨盤のゆがみや体の冷え、むくみを引き起こします。デスクワークが続いたら、たまにこのポーズでリフレッシュすると良い
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Dolphin Plank Pose icon

Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana

Dolphin Plank Pose

Skill Level
  • Strengthens the core and tightens the whole body
  • Adjusts your posture (when you have strong abs and back muscles, your posture naturally improves)
  • Strengthens the muscles around the shoulders such as the serratus anterior muscle, triceps brachii muscle, biceps brachii muscle, and latissimus dorsi muscle. It also improves stiff shoulders
  • Shapes up the upper arm
  • Strengthens the back and spine
  • Great for creating waist, abs, and constrictions
  • Strengthens the Gluteal muscle. Stretches the legs, hamstrings, calves, and your foot arch

Strengthening the trunk is a good exercise for improving your normal posture and relieving stiff shoulders. So it's also recommended for people who have a tight shoulder area during desk work.

  • コア(体幹)の強化、全身の引締め
  • 姿勢を整える(腹筋や背筋がつくと、自然と姿勢も良くなる)
  • 前鋸筋、上腕三頭筋、上腕二頭筋、広背筋など肩周りの筋肉の強化、肩こりの改善
  • 二の腕のシェイプアップ
  • 背中、背骨の強化
  • ウエスト周り、腹筋、くびれを作るのに最適
  • 臀筋強化、脚、ハムストリングス、ふくらはぎ、土踏まずのストレッチ


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Cobra Pose icon


Cobra Pose

Skill Level
  • Keeps the abdomen very strong and healthy
  • Strengthen the entire spine and increase flexibility
  • Eliminates sciatica, lower back, neck and breathing problems
  • Acts on the pancreas, spleen and liver
  • Hip-up with muscle strengthening of the buttocks
  • 腹部を非常に強く元気に保ちます
  • 脊椎全体を強化し、柔軟性を高めます
  • 坐骨神経痛、腰、首、呼吸の問題を解消
  • 膵臓、脾臓、肝臓に作用します
  • お尻の筋肉強化によるヒップアップ