Kapalabhati Pranayama

Breathing technique

Skill Level

Discipline and purify your body. Kaparabati literally translated from Sanskrit means “shining skull”. The Kaparabati breathing method ventilates the lungs, nostrils, and frontal air. It has the effect of refreshing your head.

It also gets your stomach moving, improves blood circulation throughout the internal organs, increases body temperature, and activates your abdominal muscles and diaphragm.

It is especially recommended for those who want to tighten their waistline. Be sure to do it on an empty stomach.


  • Strengthen abs and diaphragm, trunk training
  • Abdominal shape-up, fat burning
  • Strengthening of internal organs such as liver and kidney
  • Promotes digestion (digestion system adjustment)
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Cleansing nostrils
  • Pulmonary cleansing (asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, tuberculosis improvement)


  • Stress relief
  • Releases negative energy
  • It is said to be a breathing method that motivates and energizes
  • Awakens and refreshes, prevents drowsiness
  • Trains your mind to think and improves intuition (insight)
  • Maintain balance between mind and consciousness
  • Effectively refreshes by the ventilation of air by breathing



  • 腹筋や横隔膜を強化、体幹トレーニング
  • 腹部のシェイプアップ脂肪燃焼
  • 肝臓や腎臓などの内臓強化
  • 消化促進(消化器官の調整)
  • 血行の改善
  • 鼻孔の浄化
  • 肺の浄化(ぜんそく、肺気腫、気管支炎、結核の改善)


  • ストレス解消
  • マイナスエネルギーの解放
  • やる気や元気が出る呼吸法とも言われている
  • 眠気を覚ましスッキリさせる
  • 思考力や直感力(洞察力)を鍛える
  • 心と意識のバランスを保つ
  • 呼吸による空気の換気でリフレッシュ効果